ulnagar / Constellation

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Expand Mandatory Training section #55

Closed ulnagar closed 2 months ago

ulnagar commented 11 months ago

Remove concept of Not Applicable module. Add MT roles each with a separate list of required modules. Allow new roles to be created adhoc, and required modules to be updated live. Allow staff to be assigned to one or more roles, which generates an individual list of required modules. Only report on calculated required modules for that staff member.

Future: Instead of regular polling and generation of email, create a workflow for the staff member with actions that include notification, HT sign off, and eventual alert to MT coordinator if due dates missed.

ulnagar commented 9 months ago

Completed the first steps for this. Released with R1.14

ulnagar commented 2 months ago

Second phase completed. WorkFlows integration finalised. Tested without issue. Scheduled to be released to production with R1.15