ulnagar / Constellation

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Create Workflows section #56

Closed ulnagar closed 3 months ago

ulnagar commented 11 months ago

Create a Workflow section that allows for tracking of cases. Cases are created by a trigger, such as detected low attendance by a student. Cases contain a number of actions, some automatic and some requiring data-entry by relevant people. Each action should have a fall-back escalation if it doesn't get completed by the due date. Involved staff should be able add and assign actions as appropriate.

Actions can include Notification to student Notification to parent Notification to Classroom teacher Notification to Head Teacher Notification to Deputy/Exec Notification to Wellbeing Team Sign off by .... Provide information (free text) Complete Sentral notification (with HT Sign off)

ulnagar commented 3 months ago

Tested without issue. Scheduled to be released to production with R1.14.4