ulnagar / Constellation

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Move file storage from in-database to file system #57

Closed ulnagar closed 10 months ago

ulnagar commented 11 months ago

Storing files in database is taking a large amount of storage space and system resources. Move files to external file storage and instead store the file path.

Suggest folder per type (e.g. Files\Canvas Assignment Submission, Files\Award Certificate) followed by prefix of Identifier (e.g. if the Id Guid for the record is 991fdfc8-44f7-453c-860a-d8f6ed1efea6 and it is an Award, it's folder would be "Files\Award Certificate\99\xxx.pdf")

This would allow an easy way to determine total size per type on the disk.

ulnagar commented 10 months ago

Tested without issue. Scheduled to be released to production with R1.12.2