ulthiel / JuLie.jl

Mathematically sound structures and fast algorithms for things around representation theory, especially algebraic Lie theory and accompanying combinatorics.
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first pull request for multipartitions and partitions #10

Closed schto223 closed 3 years ago

schto223 commented 3 years ago


added: partition_to_partcount(p::Partition) Partcount_to_partition(pc::Array{Integer,1},n::Integer)

partially fixed: partitions(mu::Array{Integer,1}, m::Integer, v::Array{Integer,1}, n::Integer) #there are still some issues with the algorithm itself


added: struct Multipartition{T} <: AbstractArray{Partition{T},1} function multipartitions(n::Integer) function multipartitions(p::Partition) function multipartitions(n::Integer, r::Integer) function multipartitions(p::Partition, r::Integer)

--- runtests.jl

added: @testset "Multi-partitions" begin test for v-mu-restricted partitions #commented out since v-mu-restricted partitions don't work yet