ultimatecourses / ngrx-store-effects-app

Project seed app for our NGRX application using Angular, NGRX Store, Effects, Router Store.
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convert reducer using ngrx/entity ? #16

Open rijine opened 6 years ago

gssjr commented 6 years ago

I was wondering about this too:


tunecino commented 6 years ago

I don't think it is a good idea. I've seen another tutorial before this one using it from start and it was confusing for me, ngrx/entity is a helper module that was introduced later to help reduce code boilerplates. I like it very much and I'm using it with most of my entities now but I also liked the fact that it wasn't used in this tutorial so I was able to better understand how ngrx/redux works. I think using helpers designed to reduce/hide parts of code should be avoided at earlier learning steps.

rijine commented 6 years ago

@tunecino agree...in future you might be using entity also. so at least enhancing this with entity will be another good step. May be to different branch!