Open saifiipedia opened 2 years ago
you are using chrome 89(!) and proxies .. and expect google to be fooled.
Facing the same issue with headless google-chrome-stable_100.0.4896.127-1_amd64.deb with undetected_chromedriver==3.1.5r4
Any solutions to mitigate Captcha?
Whenever i try to login gmail with proxies it gives me captcha.
also, someone told me to use stealth-selenium as it makes selenium much more undetected (Am not sure as undetectged chromedirver have this function builtin). But what concerns me is when i visit I see this:
and this:
its not about the Code in my python. i am using humanize trick to navigate through the pages and send characters.
this my chrome options:
def get_driver(background, viewports, agent, auth_required, path, proxy, proxy_type, pluginfile): options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.headless = background options.add_argument(f"--window-size={choice(viewports)}") options.add_argument("--log-level=3") options.add_experimental_option( "excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation", "enable-logging"]) options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension', False) options.add_experimental_option( 'prefs', {'intl.accept_languages': 'en_US,en'}) options.add_argument(f"user-agent={agent}") options.add_argument("--mute-audio") options.add_argument("--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled") options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument("--disable-plugins-discovery") options.add_argument("--ignore-certificate-errors") options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument('--disable-features=UserAgentClientHint') options.add_argument("--disable-web-security")
What i am doing wrong here? is ther anything needs to be added? or its becuase my driver is being detected as bot somehow by Google?