I'm trying to call a python .py web scraping script from another script.
I'm doing a lot of different try on Jupyter with different codes but the output is the same: No signal at all of any kind of task completed, it seems it stops at the very beginnig.
As said, it is a web scraping script I'm doing with undetected chromedriver (mandatory requirement to complete the script cause the website can detect the presence of a bot); I've tried doing it with the normal chromedriver and it works so I think the issue here is related with the undetected one.
def combinations(items):
result = []
for i in range(1, len(items) + 1):
result.extend(itertools.combinations(items, i))
return result
driver = uc.Chrome(executable_path=r"C:\\Users\\xx\\chromedriver.exe",service_args=['--quiet'])
driver.set_window_size(1024, 600)
This a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate... ad infinitum.
Please check some of those : #621 #585 #570 #561 #519 #384.
None of those "issues" are actual bugs.
Please check this answer to understand what you're doing wrong.
Please check this other answer and try by yourself why you need to wrap your code with an if-clause to protect it from executing multiple times (and avoid being stuck in an infinite loop).
I'm trying to call a python .py web scraping script from another script.
I'm doing a lot of different try on Jupyter with different codes but the output is the same: No signal at all of any kind of task completed, it seems it stops at the very beginnig.
As said, it is a web scraping script I'm doing with undetected chromedriver (mandatory requirement to complete the script cause the website can detect the presence of a bot); I've tried doing it with the normal chromedriver and it works so I think the issue here is related with the undetected one.