Open PePinodemrs opened 2 years ago
When i use mobileEmulation it say me that it not recognise this whereas in sleenium it's worked
experimental option is not supported on undetected-chromedriver.
It seems there's a workaround by setting the chromedriver capabilities:
argument.I think it's only for java and not python
Then you have to translate in Python, Selenium methods are named quite the same.
Then you have to translate in Python, Selenium methods are named quite the same.
I really don't understand how it's work, i've tried that : cap = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy() cap['platform'] = "mac" cap['version'] = "10" cap['deviceName'] = "Apple iPhone 6" print(cap)
but it do nothing
you can use Selenium_Profiles Repo still in progress//working on btw
Following code works for me
set_device_metrics_override = dict({
"width": 375,
"height": 812,
"deviceScaleFactor": 50,
"mobile": True
browser = uc.Chrome(options=options)
browser.execute_cdp_cmd('Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', set_device_metrics_override)
Hello, how can i simulate an android chrome user plz ?