ultralytics / yolov5

YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
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AssertionError: Image Not Found #1494

Closed kongkk233 closed 3 years ago

kongkk233 commented 3 years ago


I don't know why some images will be None when load_image().The database is normal.Every time,I train the model,I always encounter this question.

Additional context

File "train.py", line 460, in train(hyp, opt, device, tbwriter) File "train.py", line 243, in train for i, (imgs, targets, paths, ) in pbar: # batch ------------------------------------------------------------- File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tqdm/std.py", line 1104, in iter for obj in iterable: File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 91, in iter yield next(self.iterator) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 435, in next data = self._next_data() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1065, in _next_data return self._process_data(data) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1111, in _process_data data.reraise() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/_utils.py", line 428, in reraise raise self.exc_type(msg) AssertionError: Caught AssertionError in DataLoader worker process 1. Original Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/worker.py", line 198, in _worker_loop data = fetcher.fetch(index) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py", line 44, in fetch data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py", line 44, in data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index] File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 525, in getitem img, labels = load_mosaic(self, index) File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 655, in loadmosaic img, , (h, w) = load_image(self, index) File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 616, in load_image assert img is not None, 'Image Not Found ' + path AssertionError: Image Not Found /content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/data/LSB/images/train2020/396.jpg

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hello @kongkk233, thank you for your interest in 🚀 YOLOv5! Please visit our ⭐️ Tutorials to get started, where you can find quickstart guides for simple tasks like Custom Data Training all the way to advanced concepts like Hyperparameter Evolution.

If this is a 🐛 Bug Report, please provide screenshots and minimum viable code to reproduce your issue, otherwise we can not help you.

If this is a custom training ❓ Question, please provide as much information as possible, including dataset images, training logs, screenshots, and a public link to online W&B logging if available.

For business inquiries or professional support requests please visit https://www.ultralytics.com or email Glenn Jocher at glenn.jocher@ultralytics.com.


Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed, including torch>=1.7. To install run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


YOLOv5 may be run in any of the following up-to-date verified environments (with all dependencies including CUDA/CUDNN, Python and PyTorch preinstalled):


CI CPU testing

If this badge is green, all YOLOv5 GitHub Actions Continuous Integration (CI) tests are currently passing. CI tests verify correct operation of YOLOv5 training (train.py), testing (test.py), inference (detect.py) and export (export.py) on MacOS, Windows, and Ubuntu every 24 hours and on every commit.

glenn-jocher commented 3 years ago

@kongkk233 hello, thank you for your interest in YOLOv5! This issue seems to lack the minimum requirements for a proper response, or is insufficiently detailed for us to help you. Please note that most technical problems are due to:


- **Your custom data.** If your issue is not reproducible in one of our 3 common datasets ([COCO](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/master/data/coco.yaml), [COCO128](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/master/data/coco128.yaml), or [VOC](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/master/data/voc.yaml)) we can not debug it. Visit our [Custom Training Tutorial](https://docs.ultralytics.com/yolov5/tutorials/train_custom_data) for guidelines on training your custom data. Examine `train_batch0.jpg` and `test_batch0.jpg` for a sanity check of your labels and images.

- **Your environment.** If your issue is not reproducible in one of the verified environments below we can not debug it. If you are running YOLOv5 locally, verify your environment meets all of the [requirements.txt](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/master/requirements.txt) dependencies specified below. If in doubt, download Python 3.8.0 from https://www.python.org/, create a new [venv](https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/), and then install requirements.

If none of these apply to you, we suggest you close this issue and raise a new one using the **Bug Report template**, providing screenshots and **minimum viable code to reproduce your issue**. Thank you!

## Requirements

Python 3.8 or later with all [requirements.txt](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/master/requirements.txt) dependencies installed, including `torch>=1.6`. To install run:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


YOLOv5 may be run in any of the following up-to-date verified environments (with all dependencies including CUDA/CUDNN, Python and PyTorch preinstalled):


CI CPU testing

If this badge is green, all YOLOv5 GitHub Actions Continuous Integration (CI) tests are passing. These tests evaluate proper operation of basic YOLOv5 functionality, including training (train.py), testing (test.py), inference (detect.py) and export (export.py) on MacOS, Windows, and Ubuntu.

kongkk233 commented 3 years ago

When I train in Colab for a period of time, this error will occur, and it will appear every time I train. The pictures in the dataset are all normal and will not be None.

glenn-jocher commented 3 years ago

@kongkk233 please supply a Colab notebook with a reproducible example.

kongkk233 commented 3 years ago

@glenn-jocher thanks for your reply input !python train.py --img 416 --batch 16 --epochs 100 --data LSB.yaml --weights yolov5l.pt output

Using CUDA device0 _CudaDeviceProperties(name='Tesla K80', total_memory=11441MB)

Namespace(adam=False, batch_size=16, bucket='', cache_images=False, cfg='models/yolov5l.yaml', data='./data/LSB.yaml', device='', epochs=100, evolve=False, global_rank=-1, hyp='data/hyp.scratch.yaml', image_weights=False, img_size=[416, 416], local_rank=-1, logdir='runs/', multi_scale=False, name='', noautoanchor=False, nosave=False, notest=False, rect=False, resume=False, single_cls=False, sync_bn=False, total_batch_size=16, weights='yolov5l.pt', workers=8, world_size=1)
Start Tensorboard with "tensorboard --logdir runs/", view at http://localhost:6006/
2020-11-26 11:24:39.627558: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:48] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudart.so.10.1
Hyperparameters {'lr0': 0.01, 'lrf': 0.2, 'momentum': 0.937, 'weight_decay': 0.0005, 'warmup_epochs': 3.0, 'warmup_momentum': 0.8, 'warmup_bias_lr': 0.1, 'box': 0.05, 'cls': 0.5, 'cls_pw': 1.0, 'obj': 1.0, 'obj_pw': 1.0, 'iou_t': 0.2, 'anchor_t': 4.0, 'fl_gamma': 0.0, 'hsv_h': 0.015, 'hsv_s': 0.7, 'hsv_v': 0.4, 'degrees': 0.0, 'translate': 0.1, 'scale': 0.5, 'shear': 0.0, 'perspective': 0.0, 'flipud': 0.0, 'fliplr': 0.5, 'mosaic': 1.0, 'mixup': 0.0}

                 from  n    params  module                                  arguments                     
  0                -1  1      7040  models.common.Focus                     [3, 64, 3]                    
  1                -1  1     73984  models.common.Conv                      [64, 128, 3, 2]               
  2                -1  1    161152  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [128, 128, 3]                 
  3                -1  1    295424  models.common.Conv                      [128, 256, 3, 2]              
  4                -1  1   1627904  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [256, 256, 9]                 
  5                -1  1   1180672  models.common.Conv                      [256, 512, 3, 2]              
  6                -1  1   6499840  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [512, 512, 9]                 
  7                -1  1   4720640  models.common.Conv                      [512, 1024, 3, 2]             
  8                -1  1   2624512  models.common.SPP                       [1024, 1024, [5, 9, 13]]      
  9                -1  1  10234880  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [1024, 1024, 3, False]        
 10                -1  1    525312  models.common.Conv                      [1024, 512, 1, 1]             
 11                -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample    [None, 2, 'nearest']          
 12           [-1, 6]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]                           
 13                -1  1   2823680  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [1024, 512, 3, False]         
 14                -1  1    131584  models.common.Conv                      [512, 256, 1, 1]              
 15                -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample    [None, 2, 'nearest']          
 16           [-1, 4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]                           
 17                -1  1    707328  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [512, 256, 3, False]          
 18                -1  1    590336  models.common.Conv                      [256, 256, 3, 2]              
 19          [-1, 14]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]                           
 20                -1  1   2561536  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [512, 512, 3, False]          
 21                -1  1   2360320  models.common.Conv                      [512, 512, 3, 2]              
 22          [-1, 10]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]                           
 23                -1  1  10234880  models.common.BottleneckCSP             [1024, 1024, 3, False]        
 24      [17, 20, 23]  1     32310  models.yolo.Detect                      [1, [[10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23], [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119], [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326]], [256, 512, 1024]]
Model Summary: 335 layers, 4.73933e+07 parameters, 4.73933e+07 gradients

Transferred 650/658 items from yolov5l.pt
Optimizer groups: 110 .bias, 118 conv.weight, 107 other
Scanning labels /content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/data/LSB/labels/train2020.cache (890 found, 0 missing, 0 empty, 0 duplicate, for 890 images): 890it [00:00, 13522.22it/s]
Scanning labels /content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/data/LSB/labels/val2020.cache (110 found, 0 missing, 0 empty, 0 duplicate, for 110 images): 110it [00:00, 8486.12it/s]
NumExpr defaulting to 2 threads.

Analyzing anchors... anchors/target = 4.47, Best Possible Recall (BPR) = 1.0000
Image sizes 416 train, 416 test
Using 2 dataloader workers
Logging results to runs/exp5
Starting training for 100 epochs...

     Epoch   gpu_mem       box       obj       cls     total   targets  img_size
      0/99     4.33G   0.08804   0.02441         0    0.1125        18       416: 100% 56/56 [24:22<00:00, 26.12s/it]
               Class      Images     Targets           P           R      mAP@.5  mAP@.5:.95:  71% 5/7 [00:20<00:10,  5.15s/it]Corrupt JPEG data: 32608 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9
               Class      Images     Targets           P           R      mAP@.5  mAP@.5:.95: 100% 7/7 [00:38<00:00,  5.53s/it]
                 all         110           0           0           0           0           0
Premature end of JPEG file

     Epoch   gpu_mem       box       obj       cls     total   targets  img_size
      1/99     4.49G   0.08051   0.02256         0    0.1031        19       416: 100% 56/56 [26:07<00:00, 28.00s/it]
               Class      Images     Targets           P           R      mAP@.5  mAP@.5:.95:  43% 3/7 [00:01<00:01,  2.23it/s]Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train.py", line 460, in <module>
    train(hyp, opt, device, tb_writer)
  File "train.py", line 320, in train
    plots=epoch == 0 or final_epoch)  # plot first and last
  File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/test.py", line 95, in test
    for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tqdm/std.py", line 1104, in __iter__
    for obj in iterable:
  File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 91, in __iter__
    yield next(self.iterator)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 435, in __next__
    data = self._next_data()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1065, in _next_data
    return self._process_data(data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1111, in _process_data
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/_utils.py", line 428, in reraise
    raise self.exc_type(msg)
AssertionError: Caught AssertionError in DataLoader worker process 0.
Original Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/worker.py", line 198, in _worker_loop
    data = fetcher.fetch(index)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py", line 44, in fetch
    data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/fetch.py", line 44, in <listcomp>
    data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
  File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 537, in __getitem__
    img, (h0, w0), (h, w) = load_image(self, index)
  File "/content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/utils/datasets.py", line 616, in load_image
    assert img is not None, 'Image Not Found ' + path
AssertionError: Image Not Found /content/drive/LSB/yolov5-3.1/data/LSB/images/val2020/976.jpg

               Class      Images     Targets           P           R      mAP@.5  mAP@.5:.95:  43% 3/7 [00:06<00:08,  2.14s/it]

This issue has been mentioned by others


I have another question: The image size in my dataset is 2048*1489, and the model input size is 416*416. Do I need to make my labels file according to 416*416? In this case, my training speed is very slow, is it because the pictures are too big? Do I need to convert the picture to 416*416 by myself.Thanks.

glenn-jocher commented 3 years ago

@kongkk233 can provide a reproducible example in a colab notebook, so we can simply click run and see the error?

kongkk233 commented 3 years ago

@glenn-jocher I have solved this question.I use --cache while training.Thank you very much.

glenn-jocher commented 3 years ago

@kongkk233 that's odd. Do you think it may have to do with the #195 result where the image was a gif?

kongkk233 commented 3 years ago

@glenn-jocher no.My Image format is png.I think it’s because every epoch needs to re-read the image in Google Drive. Sometimes it will go wrong.

glenn-jocher commented 3 years ago

Oh, then you simply have network issues. You should always train with local data, never with remote buckets/drives.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

liuaaron-sys commented 3 years ago

Hello @kongkk233, thank you for your interest in 🚀 YOLOv5! Please visit our ⭐️ Tutorials to get started, where you can find quickstart guides for simple tasks like Custom Data Training all the way to advanced concepts like Hyperparameter Evolution.

If this is a 🐛 Bug Report, please provide screenshots and minimum viable code to reproduce your issue, otherwise we can not help you.

If this is a custom training ❓ Question, please provide as much information as possible, including dataset images, training logs, screenshots, and a public link to online W&B logging if available.

For business inquiries or professional support requests please visit https://www.ultralytics.com or email Glenn Jocher at glenn.jocher@ultralytics.com.


Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed, including torch>=1.7. To install run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


YOLOv5 may be run in any of the following up-to-date verified environments (with all dependencies including CUDA/CUDNN, Python and PyTorch preinstalled):


CI CPU testing

If this badge is green, all YOLOv5 GitHub Actions Continuous Integration (CI) tests are currently passing. CI tests verify correct operation of YOLOv5 training (train.py), testing (test.py), inference (detect.py) and export (export.py) on MacOS, Windows, and Ubuntu every 24 hours and on every commit.

You should name this file path using English.

Zzheng-6 commented 3 years ago

I also met the same problem. How you solved it?

mc622426 commented 2 years ago


@glenn-jocher I have solved this question.I use --cache while training.Thank you very much.

Hello, I also encountered the same situation, may I ask how you solved it? Can you provide specific solutions?

cleversmalldog commented 1 year ago

You had to delete the "cache" File in the "data/LSB/labels/xxx.cache"

I also met the same problem. How you solved it?

PawanKuma commented 1 year ago

Ways to solve this issue:

  1. Update train, test and val paths in your custom training yml file (usually its yolov7cstm.yml)
  2. Clear label cache before every fresh run.(its created inside data folder)
glenn-jocher commented 1 year ago

@PawanKuma hi there,

To solve this issue, you can try the following approaches:

  1. Update the train, test, and val paths in your custom training YAML file (usually named yolov7cstm.yml) to ensure they are pointing to the correct directories where your images and labels are located.

  2. Clear the label cache before every fresh run. The label cache file is created inside the data folder, so you can delete the cache file to ensure that fresh labels are loaded during training.

These steps should help resolve the "Image Not Found" issue you are facing during training.

Let me know if you need any further assistance.


Cho-Hong-Seok commented 5 months ago

@glenn-jocher I am currently trying to train a yolov6 model in google colab and I am getting the above error.

(Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/YOLOv6/tools/train.py", line 142, in . main(args) File "/content/YOLOv6/tools/train.py", line 127, in main trainer = Trainer(args, cfg, device) File "/content/YOLOv6/yolov6/core/engine.py", line 94, in init self.train_loader, self.val_loader = self.get_data_loader(self.args, self.cfg, self.data_dict) File "/content/YOLOv6/yolov6/core/engine.py", line 406, in get_data_loader train_loader = create_dataloader(train_path, args.img_size, args.batch_size // args.world_size, grid_size, File "/content/YOLOv6/yolov6/data/data_load.py", line 46, in create_dataloader dataset = TrainValDataset( File "/content/YOLOv6/yolov6/data/seg_datasets.py", line 86, in init self.img_paths, self.labels = self.get_imgs_labels(self.img_dir) File "/content/YOLOv6/yolov6/data/seg_datasets.py", line 329, in get_imgs_labels assert img_paths, f"No images found in {img_dir}." AssertionError: No images found in /content/drive/MyDrive/[DILab_data]/Computer_Vision/Fire_detection/FST1/FST1/train/images.)

Is it because I imported the dataset from my Google Drive? And if that's the case, is what you're saying above referring to my situation?(glenn-jocher commented on Nov 27, 2020 Oh, then you simply have network issues. You should always train with local data, never with remote buckets/drives.)

glenn-jocher commented 5 months ago

@Cho-Hong-Seok hi there! It seems like the issue you're encountering is due to the path to your dataset not being correctly identified by the code. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including incorrect file paths or permission issues accessing Google Drive.

While training on Google Colab, remember that your notebook needs permission to access files on Google Drive. Make sure you've mounted your Google Drive correctly and the path you've specified in your training script exactly matches the location of your dataset.

Here's a quick snippet to ensure Google Drive is mounted correctly:

from google.colab import drive

Verify your dataset path after mounting. For example:

!ls /content/drive/MyDrive/[DILab_data]/Computer_Vision/Fire_detection/FST1/FST1/train/images

This will list all files in the specified directory, confirming the path is accurate.

The comment you've referenced about network issues pertains to physical distance between data and compute resources, which doesn't seem directly related to your current problem.

Please check the dataset path and permission settings. Let me know if the issue persists! 😊