ultramango / gear360pano

Simple script to create equirectangular panorama by stitching images from Samsung Gear 360
MIT License
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360 Videos freeze after 20 seconds #66

Open tkalfaoglu opened 11 months ago

tkalfaoglu commented 11 months ago

the videos created with this tool start out normal, but freeze after 20 seconds.. The sound continues to play back, but the video stops..

allegfede commented 6 months ago

quite the same behaviour for me

i see sometime this error in the shell:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error' what(): Operation not permitted ./gear360pano.sh: riga 51: 759464 Annullato (core dump creato) "${cmd[@]}" Error while running multiblend Error while running ./gear360pano.sh

allegfede commented 6 months ago

by the way, editing the script and setting to 'no' the after complete cleanup, i could process the few frames in error and clone some empty frames with a copy of the previous one. Than i merged all frames togheter with: ffmpeg -f image2 -r 30 -i ./image%05d_pano.jpg -vcodec copy ../out.mk and then i dropped the video (and the extracted audio) to kdnelive for the final editing :-)