ultravideo / uvgComm

High performance P2P-Mesh video conferencing
ISC License
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Installation on Ubuntu 20.04 - unable to find QT6 dependencies #22

Open sandman opened 1 year ago

sandman commented 1 year ago

First of all, thanks for this nice project! I tried out the UvgRTP and looking forward to playing around with this project.

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 system which does not officially offer the following dependencies:

I'm wondering if there are any ways around this? I could set up a Docker environment but want to make sure I'm not missing something simpler to set up this project. Thanks in advance.

jrsnen commented 1 year ago

Hello and thank you for your interest in our projects. Kvazzup is still missing some connectivity features to be able to form the call connection in many common scenarios, but the rest of the program should work, and the program is still under development. Recent large scale changes may have left few bugs, but I try to fix them the best I can.

Yes, it seems Qt 6 was only introduced in Ubuntu 22. I recently moved the whole project from Qt 5 to Qt 6 and decided to not keep supporting Qt 5 to keep things as simple as possible on the development side.

You have few options: 1) You can try to compile the old version which supported Qt 5: d7498109c09067bf0a3110b6b9a822232e43057a 2) or you can try installing Qt 6 on your machine 3) or you can set up a new environment as you were considering doing.

Obviously, the problem with 1) is that there may be fixes and features added after that.

BR, Joni Räsänen