ultravioletrs / cocos

Cocos AI - Confidential Computing System for AI
Apache License 2.0
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Feature: Move from static binaries #134

Open SammyOina opened 1 month ago

SammyOina commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Python compiled binaries are quite large and tedious to compile

Describe the feature you are requesting, as well as the possible use case(s) for it.

Allow users to bring their dependencies through a requirements file, install the requirements before running the algorithm.

Indicate the importance of this feature to you.


Anything else?

No response

SammyOina commented 1 month ago

The requirements can be part of the algo request on grpc to agent and will be optional and I don't think we need to declare them on manifest

SammyOina commented 1 month ago

Non-python dependencies will need to be either pre-installed on the EOS image or we'll need a package manager in EOS. What do you think @danko-miladinovic

SammyOina commented 1 month ago

Manager could also theoretically have multiple images and allow user to select which image to use to run the given computations and each image can have it's preinstalled dependencies

danko-miladinovic commented 1 month ago

I agree. We can have multiple images, taylored for different purposes. I will look if there is a Buildroot package manager.

SammyOina commented 1 month ago

Another proposal is to use containers and have a container runtime in the vm. We can a conainer runtime like docker. The data can be still sent back via unix socket and we'll need to mount the volume to the container. typical flow can be:

SammyOina commented 1 month ago

for the lin_reg example I wrote this docker script

# Use the official Python image as the base image
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Set the working directory in the container

# Copy the Python script to the container
COPY lin_reg.py .

# Install required Python packages
RUN pip install joblib pandas scikit-learn

# Set the entry point to start a shell
CMD ["sh"]

the resulting image is 540 mb which is a bit large

docker images |grep iris                                                      ✔ 
iris-classifier                                       latest          13497ca01bad   3 minutes ago   540MB
SammyOina commented 1 month ago

with multistage builds and using alpine the image goes down to 409mb which is larger than compiled binary (86mb)

docker images |grep iris                                               ✔  13m 13s  
iris-classifier                                       latest          b0a0a6d6106e   2 minutes ago   409MB

# Use the official Python image as the base image
FROM python:3.9-alpine as base

FROM python:3.9-slim as builder

# Set the working directory in the container

# Install required Python packages
RUN pip install joblib pandas scikit-learn

FROM base

COPY --from=builder /app /usr/local


# Copy the Python script to the container
COPY lin_reg.py .

# Set the entry point to start a shell
CMD ["sh"]
dborovcanin commented 3 weeks ago

Dropping support for static binaries will not benefit us. We should put this on hold and explore confidential containers first - since we are already treating our VM more like a container than the VM.

danko-miladinovic commented 3 weeks ago

I like the idea with Docker. The computation manifest will need to have the hash of the Docker image so that the Agent can confirm that the image that is being loaded is the expected one. Also, the host_data field of the Attestation report needs to be hold the hash of the computation manifest so it the users can verfy the image that is being used during remote attestation.

I also like the ide for us to use confidential containers. I would like to look into them.