ulyngs / oxforddown

Template for writing an Oxford University thesis in R Markdown; uses the OxThesis LaTeX template and was inspired by thesisdown.
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Minitocs shift pages through the space they take up but don't adjust for this #84

Open JanaMuschinski opened 5 months ago

JanaMuschinski commented 5 months ago


I'm unfortunately struggling to create a reproducible example for this issue and am really struggling to track down what is causing it in my document.

The main table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and minitocs for each chapter all show page numbers that are just slightly off, increasing in discrepancy the further into the thesis you get. This appears to match the amount of page space taken up cummulatively by all the minitocs.

While the minitocs show the correct contents (i.e., it's not an \adjustmtc issue), minitoc doesn't seem to account for the space the minitoc itself adds. So the sections in the first minitoc are correct, then once we get to the second chapter all the pages are shifted by the space of a minitoc, then by the time we get to the final chapter we are looking at a page discrepancy of about 6 pages.

I've looked at the oxforddown template and some of those minitocs are large enough to push things by at least a page, so I cannot figure out why the page nubmers are correct in that version, but incorrect in mine. I've tried copying over the template and ociamthesis files from the oxforddown template project just in case there have been any changes since I downloaded my versions, but it happens even when I do that.

On some latex forums I read something about .mtc files being deleted or not being deleted, but these appear to be deleted immediatley upon pdf creation with bookdown and I can't find any hidden files.

If anyone as come across this I would really appreciate some pointers! Apologies for not being able to provide a reproducible example.

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)