uma-pi1 / kge

LibKGE - A knowledge graph embedding library for reproducible research
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ConvE in config.yaml? #228

Closed Filco306 closed 2 years ago

Filco306 commented 2 years ago

Hello (again, haha)

I am currently running some experiments with your package; I love it. However, I am concerned about the validity of one of my experiments. I performed an AxSearchJob on one of my models (which I have named RIE2). In my config.yaml from one of the runs, I get a conve setting, which is strange to me. I don't know why it is there, and I am concerned that it might be, in the worst case scenario, a ConvE-model training in the background (and not my model implementation).

Now, I have tried to make sure that my worries are not legitimate by introducing exceptions in all parts of the ConvE code, if it is executed, and it seems to run through without a problem. In other words, it does not seem like ConvE is used, since no code from the ConvE-part of the code seems to be used. Also, loading the model will load an RIE2-model.

I would simply like to know; why is there a ConvE part being created in this config.yaml? Even if I erase that part and re-run the experiment, it comes back into the new config.yaml-file for the new experiment. I do not believe there is an issue here, but I would just like to make sure with a 100 % certainty.

Thank you in advance, and thanks again for a very nice package!

The config file is as seen below:

  class_name: TrainingJob1vsAll
  class_name: TrainingJobKvsAll
  label_smoothing: -0.10110532511025666
    _po: true
    s_o: false
    sp_: true
  class_name: RIE2
    +++: +++
    dropout: 0.13526539038866758
      p: 2.0
    regularize_weight: 1.4196422325008177e-05
    type: lookup_embedder
  l_norm: 1.0
    +++: +++
    dropout: 0.1788316359743476
      p: -1.0
    regularize_weight: 0.0002284745422735363
    type: lookup_embedder
  round_dim: false
  tuneable_doubletan: false
  class_name: AxSearchJob
  num_sobol_trials: 30
  num_trials: 30
  parameter_constraints: []
  - name: model
    type: choice
    - RIE2
    - reciprocal_relations_model
  - is_ordered: true
    name: train.batch_size
    type: choice
    - 128
    - 256
    - 512
    - 1024
  - name: train.type
    type: fixed
    value: negative_sampling
  - name: train.optimizer
    type: choice
    - Adam
    - Adagrad
  - name: train.loss
    type: fixed
    value: kl
  - bounds:
    - 0.0003
    - 1.0
    log_scale: true
    type: range
  - name: train.lr_scheduler
    type: fixed
    value: ReduceLROnPlateau
  - name: train.lr_scheduler_args.mode
    type: fixed
    value: max
  - name: train.lr_scheduler_args.factor
    type: fixed
    value: 0.95
  - name: train.lr_scheduler_args.threshold
    type: fixed
    value: 0.0001
  - bounds:
    - 0
    - 10
    name: train.lr_scheduler_args.patience
    type: range
  - is_ordered: true
    name: lookup_embedder.dim
    type: choice
    - 128
    - 256
    - 512
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize
    type: choice
    - xavier_normal_
    - xavier_uniform_
    - normal_
    - uniform_
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.normal_.mean
    type: fixed
    value: 0.0
  - bounds:
    - 1.0e-05
    - 1.0
    log_scale: true
    name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.normal_.std
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -1.0
    - -1.0e-05
    name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.uniform_.a
    type: range
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.xavier_uniform_.gain
    type: fixed
    value: 1.0
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.xavier_normal_.gain
    type: fixed
    value: 1.0
  - is_ordered: true
    name: lookup_embedder.regularize
    type: choice
    - ''
    - l3
    - l2
    - l1
  - name: lookup_embedder.regularize_args.weighted
    type: choice
    - true
    - false
  - bounds:
    - 1.0e-20
    - 0.1
    log_scale: true
    name: RIE2.entity_embedder.regularize_weight
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - 1.0e-20
    - 0.1
    log_scale: true
    name: RIE2.relation_embedder.regularize_weight
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -0.5
    - 0.5
    name: RIE2.entity_embedder.dropout
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -0.5
    - 0.5
    name: RIE2.relation_embedder.dropout
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -0.3
    - 0.3
    name: KvsAll.label_smoothing
    type: range
  - is_ordered: true
    name: RIE2.l_norm
    type: choice
    - 1.0
    - 2.0
  - name: RIE2.entity_embedder.normalize.p
    type: choice
    - -1.0
    - 2.0
  - name: RIE2.relation_embedder.normalize.p
    type: choice
    - -1.0
    - 2.0
  - name: negative_sampling.implementation
    type: fixed
    value: spo
  sobol_seed: 0
  format: {}
  quiet: false
conve: # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  2D_aspect_ratio: 2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  class_name: ConvE # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  convolution_bias: true # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  entity_embedder: # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
    +++: +++ # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
    dropout: 0.2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
    type: lookup_embedder # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  feature_map_dropout: 0.2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  filter_size: 3 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  padding: 0 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  projection_dropout: 0.3 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  relation_embedder: # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
    +++: +++ # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
    dropout: 0.2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
    type: lookup_embedder # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  round_dim: false # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  stride: 1 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART
  +++: +++
    +++: +++
      filename: entity_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: entity_strings.del
      type: idmap
      filename: relation_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: relation_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: test.del
      size: 3134
      split_type: test
      type: triples
      filename: test_without_unseen.del
      size: 2924
      split_type: test
      type: triples
      filename: train.del
      size: 86835
      split_type: train
      type: triples
      filename: train_sample.del
      size: 3034
      split_type: train
      type: triples
      filename: valid.del
      size: 3034
      split_type: valid
      type: triples
      filename: valid_without_unseen.del
      size: 2824
      split_type: valid
      type: triples
  name: wnrr
  num_entities: 40943
  num_relations: 11
  pickle: true
  chunk_size: -1
  class_name: EntityRankingJob
  - train
  - valid
  filter_with_test: true
  - 1
  - 3
  - 10
  - 50
  - 100
  - 200
  - 300
  - 400
  - 500
  - 1000
    argument_frequency: false
    head_and_tail: false
    relation_type: true
  tie_handling: rounded_mean_rank
  batch_size: 256
  num_workers: 0
  pin_memory: false
  split: valid
  trace_level: epoch
  type: entity_ranking
  class_name: GridSearchJob
    +++: +++
  run: true
- RIE2
- reciprocal_relations_model
  device: cuda
  type: train
  class_name: LookupEmbedder
  dim: 128
  dropout: 0.0
  initialize: xavier_uniform_
    +++: +++
      mean: 0.0
      std: 0.00043470941774473033
      a: -0.4313754705902655
      gain: 1.0
      gain: 1.0
    p: -1.0
    ensure_all: false
    model_filename: ''
  regularize: lp
    +++: +++
    p: 1
    weighted: true
  regularize_weight: 0.0
  round_dim_to: []
  sparse: false
  class_name: ManualSearchJob
  configurations: []
  run: true
model: RIE2
- kge.model.embedder
- kge.model
- kge.job
  class_name: TrainingJobNegativeSampling
    implementation: fast_if_available
    o: false
    p: false
    s: false
    split: ''
    smoothing: 1
  implementation: triple
    o: -1
    p: 0
    s: 3
  sampling_type: uniform
  shared: false
  shared_type: default
  with_replacement: true
  default: -1
  numba: -1
  numpy: -1
  python: -1
  torch: -1
    +++: +++
    type: RIE2
  class_name: ReciprocalRelationsModel
  device_pool: []
  num_workers: 1
  on_error: abort
  type: ax_search
  abort_on_nan: true
  auto_correct: true
  batch_size: 256
    every: 5
    keep: 3
    keep_init: true
  loss: kl
  loss_arg: .nan
  lr_scheduler: ReduceLROnPlateau
    +++: +++
    factor: 0.95
    mode: max
    patience: 2
    threshold: 0.0001
  lr_warmup: 0
  max_epochs: 400
  num_workers: 0
    +++: +++
        +++: +++
        lr: 0.4969193773628293
      type: Adagrad
  pin_memory: false
  split: train
  subbatch_auto_tune: false
  subbatch_size: -1
  trace_level: epoch
  type: negative_sampling
  visualize_graph: false
  class_name: TrainingLossEvaluationJob
  +++: +++
    patience: 10
      epochs: 50
      metric_value: 0.05
  every: 5
  metric: mean_reciprocal_rank_filtered_with_test
  metric_expr: float("nan")
  metric_max: true
  split: valid
  trace_level: epoch

The new ConvE-file looks like this (so it should not be run, which it does not seem to be).

import torch
from torch import Tensor
import math

from kge import Config, Dataset
from kge.model.kge_model import RelationalScorer, KgeModel

class ConvEScorer(RelationalScorer):
    r"""Implementation of the ConvE KGE scorer.
    Must be used with ReciprocalRelationsModel."""

    def __init__(self, config: Config, dataset: Dataset, configuration_key=None):
        raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

    def score_emb(self, s_emb, p_emb, o_emb, combine: str):
        raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

class ConvE(KgeModel):
    r"""Implementation of the ConvE KGE model."""

    def __init__(
        config: Config,
        dataset: Dataset,
        raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

    def score_spo(self, s: Tensor, p: Tensor, o: Tensor, direction=None) -> Tensor:
        raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")
rufex2001 commented 2 years ago

How are you generating this config file? And is your model based on the ConvE code somehow? Maybe somehow the ConvE configuration key is still making an appearance somewhere?

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, 23:57 Filip Cornell, @.***> wrote:

Hello (again, haha)

I am currently running some experiments with your package; I love it. However, I am concerned about the validity of one of my experiments. I performed an AxSearchJob on one of my models (which I have named RIE2). In my config.yaml from one of the runs, I get a conve setting, which is strange to me. I don't know why it is there, and I am concerned that it might be, in the worst case scenario, a ConvE-model training in the background (and not my model implementation).

Now, I have tried to make sure that my worries are not legitimate by introducing exceptions in all parts of the ConvE code, if it is executed, and it seems to run through without a problem. In other words, it does not seem like ConvE is used, since no code from the ConvE-part of the code seems to be used. Also, loading the model will load an RIE2-model.

I would simply like to know; why is there a ConvE part being created in this config.yaml? Even if I erase that part and re-run the experiment, it comes back into the new config.yaml-file for the new experiment. I do not believe there is an issue here, but I would just like to make sure with a 100 % certainty.

Thank you in advance, and thanks again for a very nice package!

The config file is as seen below:

1vsAll: class_name: TrainingJob1vsAllKvsAll: class_name: TrainingJobKvsAll label_smoothing: -0.10110532511025666 query_types: _po: true so: false sp: trueRIE2: class_name: RIE2 entity_embedder: +++: +++ dropout: 0.13526539038866758 normalize: p: 2.0 regularize_weight: 1.4196422325008177e-05 type: lookup_embedder l_norm: 1.0 relation_embedder: +++: +++ dropout: 0.1788316359743476 normalize: p: -1.0 regularize_weight: 0.0002284745422735363 type: lookup_embedder round_dim: false tuneable_doubletan: falseax_search: class_name: AxSearchJob num_sobol_trials: 30 num_trials: 30 parameter_constraints: [] parameters:

  • name: model type: choice values:
    • RIE2
    • reciprocal_relations_model
  • is_ordered: true name: train.batch_size type: choice values:
    • 128
    • 256
    • 512
    • 1024
  • name: train.type type: fixed value: negative_sampling
  • name: train.optimizer type: choice values:
    • Adam
    • Adagrad
  • name: train.loss type: fixed value: kl
  • bounds:
    • 0.0003
    • 1.0 log_scale: true name: type: range
  • name: train.lr_scheduler type: fixed value: ReduceLROnPlateau
  • name: train.lr_scheduler_args.mode type: fixed value: max
  • name: train.lr_scheduler_args.factor type: fixed value: 0.95
  • name: train.lr_scheduler_args.threshold type: fixed value: 0.0001
  • bounds:
    • 0
    • 10 name: train.lr_scheduler_args.patience type: range
  • is_ordered: true name: lookup_embedder.dim type: choice values:
    • 128
    • 256
    • 512
  • name: lookup_embedder.initialize type: choice values:
    • xaviernormal
    • xavieruniform
    • normal_
    • uniform_
  • name: lookup_embedder.initializeargs.normal.mean type: fixed value: 0.0
  • bounds:
    • 1.0e-05
    • 1.0 log_scale: true name: lookup_embedder.initializeargs.normal.std type: range
  • bounds:
    • -1.0
    • -1.0e-05 name: lookup_embedder.initializeargs.uniform.a type: range
  • name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.xavieruniform.gain type: fixed value: 1.0
  • name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.xaviernormal.gain type: fixed value: 1.0
  • is_ordered: true name: lookup_embedder.regularize type: choice values:
    • ''
    • l3
    • l2
    • l1
  • name: lookup_embedder.regularize_args.weighted type: choice values:
    • true
    • false
  • bounds:
    • 1.0e-20
    • 0.1 log_scale: true name: RIE2.entity_embedder.regularize_weight type: range
  • bounds:
    • 1.0e-20
    • 0.1 log_scale: true name: RIE2.relation_embedder.regularize_weight type: range
  • bounds:
    • -0.5
    • 0.5 name: RIE2.entity_embedder.dropout type: range
  • bounds:
    • -0.5
    • 0.5 name: RIE2.relation_embedder.dropout type: range
  • bounds:
    • -0.3
    • 0.3 name: KvsAll.label_smoothing type: range
  • is_ordered: true name: RIE2.l_norm type: choice values:
    • 1.0
    • 2.0
  • name: RIE2.entity_embedder.normalize.p type: choice values:
    • -1.0
    • 2.0
  • name: RIE2.relation_embedder.normalize.p type: choice values:
    • -1.0
    • 2.0
  • name: negative_sampling.implementation type: fixed value: spo sobol_seed: 0console: format: {} quiet: falseconve: # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART 2D_aspect_ratio: 2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART class_name: ConvE # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART convolution_bias: true # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART entity_embedder: # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART +++: +++ # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART dropout: 0.2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART type: lookup_embedder # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART feature_map_dropout: 0.2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART filter_size: 3 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART padding: 0 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART projection_dropout: 0.3 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART relation_embedder: # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART +++: +++ # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART dropout: 0.2 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART type: lookup_embedder # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART round_dim: false # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PART stride: 1 # <--- HERE IS THE CONVE PARTdataset: +++: +++ files: +++: +++ entity_ids: filename: entity_ids.del type: map entity_strings: filename: entity_strings.del type: idmap relation_ids: filename: relation_ids.del type: map relation_strings: filename: relation_ids.del type: map test: filename: test.del size: 3134 split_type: test type: triples test_without_unseen: filename: test_without_unseen.del size: 2924 split_type: test type: triples train: filename: train.del size: 86835 split_type: train type: triples train_sample: filename: train_sample.del size: 3034 split_type: train type: triples valid: filename: valid.del size: 3034 split_type: valid type: triples valid_without_unseen: filename: valid_without_unseen.del size: 2824 split_type: valid type: triples name: wnrr num_entities: 40943 num_relations: 11 pickle: trueentity_ranking: chunk_size: -1 class_name: EntityRankingJob filter_splits:
  • train
  • valid filter_with_test: true hits_at_k_s:
  • 1
  • 3
  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 400
  • 500
  • 1000 metrics_per: argument_frequency: false head_and_tail: false relation_type: true tie_handling: rounded_mean_rankeval: batch_size: 256 num_workers: 0 pin_memory: false split: valid trace_level: epoch type: entity_rankinggrid_search: class_name: GridSearchJob parameters: +++: +++ run: trueimport:
    • RIE2
    • reciprocal_relations_modeljob: device: cuda type: trainlookup_embedder: class_name: LookupEmbedder dim: 128 dropout: 0.0 initialize: xavieruniform initializeargs: +++: +++ normal: mean: 0.0 std: 0.00043470941774473033 uniform_: a: -0.4313754705902655 xaviernormal: gain: 1.0 xavieruniform: gain: 1.0 normalize: p: -1.0 pretrain: ensure_all: false model_filename: '' regularize: lp regularize_args: +++: +++ p: 1 weighted: true regularize_weight: 0.0 round_dim_to: [] sparse: falsemanual_search: class_name: ManualSearchJob configurations: [] run: truemodel: RIE2modules:
    • kge.model.embedder
    • kge.model
    • kge.jobnegative_sampling: class_name: TrainingJobNegativeSampling filtering: implementation: fast_if_available o: false p: false s: false split: '' frequency: smoothing: 1 implementation: triple num_samples: o: -1 p: 0 s: 3 sampling_type: uniform shared: false shared_type: default with_replacement: truerandom_seed: default: -1 numba: -1 numpy: -1 python: -1 torch: -1reciprocal_relations_model: base_model: +++: +++ type: RIE2 class_name: ReciprocalRelationsModelsearch: device_pool: [] num_workers: 1 on_error: abort type: ax_searchtrain: abort_on_nan: true auto_correct: true batch_size: 256 checkpoint: every: 5 keep: 3 keep_init: true loss: kl loss_arg: .nan lr_scheduler: ReduceLROnPlateau lr_scheduler_args: +++: +++ factor: 0.95 mode: max patience: 2 threshold: 0.0001 lr_warmup: 0 max_epochs: 400 num_workers: 0 optimizer: +++: +++ default: args: +++: +++ lr: 0.4969193773628293 type: Adagrad pin_memory: false split: train subbatch_auto_tune: false subbatch_size: -1 trace_level: epoch type: negative_sampling visualize_graph: falsetraining_loss: class_name: TrainingLossEvaluationJobuser: +++: +++valid: early_stopping: patience: 10 threshold: epochs: 50 metric_value: 0.05 every: 5 metric: mean_reciprocal_rank_filtered_with_test metric_expr: float("nan") metric_max: true split: valid trace_level: epoch

The new ConvE-file looks like this (so it should not be run, which it does not seem to be).

import torchfrom torch import Tensorimport math from kge import Config, Datasetfrom kge.model.kge_model import RelationalScorer, KgeModel

class ConvEScorer(RelationalScorer): r"""Implementation of the ConvE KGE scorer. Must be used with ReciprocalRelationsModel."""

def __init__(self, config: Config, dataset: Dataset, configuration_key=None):
    raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

def score_emb(self, s_emb, p_emb, o_emb, combine: str):
    raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

class ConvE(KgeModel): r"""Implementation of the ConvE KGE model."""

def __init__(
    config: Config,
    dataset: Dataset,
    raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

def score_spo(self, s: Tensor, p: Tensor, o: Tensor, direction=None) -> Tensor:
    raise Exception("This model should not be used at all! This is the error! ")

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Filco306 commented 2 years ago

I generate it using kge start config.yaml, where config.yaml is the file above. If I remove the part about ConvE, it will still be in the new file again which I do not understand why is the case.

Filco306 commented 2 years ago

And no, I do not base my model on ConvE in any way. I did however copy over some settings for the hyperparameter search from the ICLR config files, but I looked through that and I cannot see the ConvE-name anywhere in that file either.

Filco306 commented 2 years ago

I think I have figured it out through some backtracing. When I am using the ReciprocalRelationsModel, it will import the ConvE-model

See the reciprocal_relations.yaml:

import: [conve]

  class_name: ReciprocalRelationsModel
    type: conve
    +++: +++

Is this a desired feature? This means that ConvE will always be imported when the reciprocal_relations_model is used. If I understand it correctly, the reciprocal relations model is meant to use different embeddings when predicting subject and object.

In other words, this gets imported automatically, but I believe my model overrides this setting, so the ConvE-model is not used. Please correct me if I am wrong.

This is my hyperparameter search job:

  class_name: TrainingJob1vsAll
  class_name: TrainingJobKvsAll
  label_smoothing: 0.0
    _po: true
    s_o: false
    sp_: true
  class_name: RIE2
    +++: +++
    type: lookup_embedder
  l_norm: 1.0
    +++: +++
    type: lookup_embedder
  tuneable_doubletan: false
  class_name: AxSearchJob
  num_sobol_trials: 30
  num_trials: 30
  parameter_constraints: []
  - name: model
    type: fixed
    value: reciprocal_relations_model
  - is_ordered: true
    name: train.batch_size
    type: choice
    - 128
    - 256
  - name: train.type
    type: fixed
    value: KvsAll
  - name: train.optimizer
    type: choice
    - Adam
    - Adagrad
  - name: train.loss
    type: fixed
    value: kl
  - bounds:
    - 0.0003
    - 1.0
    log_scale: true
    type: range
  - name: train.lr_scheduler
    type: fixed
    value: ReduceLROnPlateau
  - name: train.lr_scheduler_args.mode
    type: fixed
    value: max
  - name: train.lr_scheduler_args.factor
    type: fixed
    value: 0.95
  - name: train.lr_scheduler_args.threshold
    type: fixed
    value: 0.0001
  - bounds:
    - 0
    - 10
    name: train.lr_scheduler_args.patience
    type: range
  - is_ordered: true
    name: lookup_embedder.dim
    type: choice
    - 128
    - 256
    - 512
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize
    type: choice
    - xavier_normal_
    - xavier_uniform_
    - normal_
    - uniform_
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.normal_.mean
    type: fixed
    value: 0.0
  - bounds:
    - 1.0e-05
    - 1.0
    log_scale: true
    name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.normal_.std
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -1.0
    - -1.0e-05
    name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.uniform_.a
    type: range
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.xavier_uniform_.gain
    type: fixed
    value: 1.0
  - name: lookup_embedder.initialize_args.xavier_normal_.gain
    type: fixed
    value: 1.0
  - is_ordered: true
    name: lookup_embedder.regularize
    type: choice
    - ''
    - l3
    - l2
    - l1
  - name: lookup_embedder.regularize_args.weighted
    type: choice
    - true
    - false
  - bounds:
    - 1.0e-20
    - 0.1
    log_scale: true
    name: RIE2.entity_embedder.regularize_weight
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - 1.0e-20
    - 0.1
    log_scale: true
    name: RIE2.relation_embedder.regularize_weight
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -0.5
    - 0.5
    name: RIE2.entity_embedder.dropout
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -0.5
    - 0.5
    name: RIE2.relation_embedder.dropout
    type: range
  - bounds:
    - -0.3
    - 0.3
    name: KvsAll.label_smoothing
    type: range
  sobol_seed: 0
  format: {}
  quiet: false
  2D_aspect_ratio: 2
  class_name: ConvE
  convolution_bias: true
    +++: +++
    dropout: 0.2
    type: lookup_embedder
  feature_map_dropout: 0.2
  filter_size: 3
  padding: 0
  projection_dropout: 0.3
    +++: +++
    dropout: 0.2
    type: lookup_embedder
  round_dim: false
  stride: 1
  +++: +++
    +++: +++
      filename: entity_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: entity_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: relation_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: relation_ids.del
      type: map
      filename: test.del
      type: triples
      filename: train.del
      type: triples
      filename: valid.del
      type: triples
  name: wnrr
  num_entities: -1
  num_relations: -1
  pickle: true
  chunk_size: -1
  class_name: EntityRankingJob
  - train
  - valid
  filter_with_test: true
  - 1
  - 3
  - 10
  - 50
  - 100
  - 200
  - 300
  - 400
  - 500
  - 1000
    argument_frequency: false
    head_and_tail: false
    relation_type: true
  tie_handling: rounded_mean_rank
  batch_size: 16
  num_workers: 0
  pin_memory: false
  split: valid
  trace_level: epoch
  type: entity_ranking
  class_name: GridSearchJob
    +++: +++
  run: true
- RIE2
- reciprocal_relations_model
  device: cuda:1
  type: search
  class_name: LookupEmbedder
  dim: 100
  dropout: 0.0
  initialize: normal_
    +++: +++
    p: -1.0
    ensure_all: false
    model_filename: ''
  regularize: lp
    +++: +++
    p: 2
    weighted: false
  regularize_weight: 0.0
  round_dim_to: []
  sparse: false
  class_name: ManualSearchJob
  configurations: []
  run: true
model: ''
- kge.job
- kge.model.embedder
- kge.model
  class_name: TrainingJobNegativeSampling
    implementation: fast_if_available
    o: false
    p: false
    s: false
    split: ''
    smoothing: 1
  implementation: batch
    o: -1
    p: 0
    s: 3
  sampling_type: uniform
  shared: false
  shared_type: default
  with_replacement: true
  default: -1
  numba: -1
  numpy: -1
  python: -1
  torch: -1
    +++: +++
    type: RIE2
  class_name: ReciprocalRelationsModel
  device_pool: []
  num_workers: 1
  on_error: abort
  type: ax_search
  abort_on_nan: true
  auto_correct: true
  batch_size: 100
    every: 5
    keep: 3
    keep_init: true
  loss: kl
  loss_arg: .nan
  lr_scheduler: ''
    +++: +++
  lr_warmup: 0
  max_epochs: 400
  num_workers: 0
    +++: +++
        +++: +++
      type: Adagrad
  pin_memory: false
  split: train
  subbatch_auto_tune: false
  subbatch_size: -1
  trace_level: epoch
  type: KvsAll
  visualize_graph: false
  class_name: TrainingLossEvaluationJob
  +++: +++
    patience: 10
      epochs: 50
      metric_value: 0.05
  every: 5
  metric: mean_reciprocal_rank_filtered_with_test
  metric_expr: float("nan")
  metric_max: true
  split: valid
  trace_level: epoch
Filco306 commented 2 years ago

As a clarification; If I understand it correctly, this means that the reciprocal relations model is asymmetric, meaning that a prediction of a head is not equal to the prediction of a tail? This has significant meaning in the implementation of my model, so it would be great to know :) Thanks!

rufex2001 commented 2 years ago

The reciprocal relations model uses two different embeddings for each relation. One for predicting subjects and another for predicting objects.

Filip Cornell @.***> schrieb am So. 26. Sept. 2021 um 15:28:

As a clarification; If I understand it correctly, this means that the reciprocal relations model is asymmetric, meaning that a prediction of a head is not equal to the prediction of a tail? This has significant meaning in the implementation of my model, so it would be great to know :) Thanks!

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Filco306 commented 2 years ago

Exactly, just as I understood. Thank you @rufex2001 . Let me know if there is something off with the fact that ConvE is imported; otherwise I will assume it is correct :)

rufex2001 commented 2 years ago

The reciprocal relations model needs a base (scorer) model, which by default is ConvE, so I guess that’s why you imported it

Filip Cornell @.***> schrieb am So. 26. Sept. 2021 um 16:25:

Exactly, just as I understood. Thank yoh @rufex2001 . Let me know if there is something off with the fact that ConvE is imported; otherwise I will assume it is correct :)

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Filco306 commented 2 years ago

Another question while we are at it; the metrics posted in the README for the datasets; which one of the outputs is it? Is it mrr, mrr_filtered or mrr_filtered_with_test that is documented in the README? Thanks again for all your responses!!

Filco306 commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is my understanding as well; but my model is still used; i.e., the ConvE architecture is not used.

Filco306 commented 2 years ago

And thanks again for the clarifications!

rufex2001 commented 2 years ago

Results in the README are all mrr_filtered_with_test

Filip Cornell @.***> schrieb am So. 26. Sept. 2021 um 16:31:

And thanks again for the clarifications!

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Filco306 commented 2 years ago

Great, thank you! Will close this now. Thank you for helping me sort this out, but let me know if you believe any issues might be caused by this import anyway. Thank you!