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DevTools Video Course: What do you want to see? #27

Open umaar opened 7 years ago

umaar commented 7 years ago

Please 'thumbs up' the relevant comment below, or add your own suggestions:

Update: You can now sign up for the course ▶

umaar commented 7 years ago

Performance (Basic) - Network perf, how to use your build system to output optimised resources etc.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Performance (Advanced) - Rendering perf, using the Timeline Panel to diagnose jank. Understand what layout thrashing is. Using Chrome Tracing Tools. Collecting traces in a CI environment.

umaar commented 7 years ago

DevTools as an IDE - What you need to know in order to keep your development environment within the browser.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Building a DevTools extension - Enhance your dev workflow by building extensions to automate.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Accessibility - Carry out Accessibility audits on your own website and learn how to fix issues.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Chrome DevTools Source Code - Learn to navigate your way around the DevTools source itself (it's all a web application). Become a contributor by landing your own bug fix or feature.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Service Workers - How they work and how to add them to your own site.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Performance Audits of other popular websites - improving the front-end perf of other existing websites.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Security - Explore and discover security exploits of other websites with the aid of DevTools and a few other tools.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Workflows - Modern workflows to adopt in your web development and web debugging journeys.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Animations - Learn how to create, debug and modify animations.

umaar commented 7 years ago

React.js - How to develop and debug a modern React.js webapp.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Vue.js - How to develop and debug a modern Vue.js webapp.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Angular JS - How to develop and debug a modern Angular 2 webapp.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Node.js - How to develop, debug and solve problems with Node.js and DevTools.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Mobile - Advanced remote debugging techniques and everything you need to know about responsiveness and how DevTools can help with this.

umaar commented 7 years ago

DevTools Experiments - Everything you need to know about the available experiments (e.g. like the Terminal one) and how to stay up to date with them and learn when new ones arrive.

umaar commented 7 years ago

JavaScript ES6 & ES7 - How to use brand new features of JavaScript effectively and discovering hidden debugging options for bleeding edge features.

umaar commented 7 years ago

DevTools for Designers - How a designer, or someone with little programming knowledge can effectively use DevTools to improve websites, discover potential performance bottlenecks, and then feed this back to a developer.

umaar commented 7 years ago

DevTools for DevOps - How someone responsible for the infrastructure side of websites can fully utilise hidden DevTools features (along with a few Command Line Tools) to diagnose and solve network related performance issues. Learn how to expose server side debugging and logging directly in DevTools. Also debug caching issues.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Debugging Third Party Services and APIs - Understand bugs caused by third party code like ad trackers, plugins etc. Also work with external APIs efficiently and effectively.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Paint Profiling - Deeper insights into how a browser paints your page, how to read and explore draw calls executed by the browser renderer.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Visualising Performance Metrics with continuous integration - Record and study performance metrics of your website into a dashboard which updates with each code check-in.

umaar commented 7 years ago

Using HTTP2 - Learn how to implement HTTP2 with your Node.js website, also understand the performance benefits of doing so.

njnygaard commented 7 years ago

Would be nice to include TLS concerns when talking about service workers. How to, LetsEncrypt, that stuff.

jake-bladt commented 7 years ago

If it's not too far off topic, I'd love to see a discussion of the various levels of caching (database, web server, in-browser,) how to use them effectively, and how to take them into account when optimizing your application for speed.

iandouglas commented 7 years ago

How about a comparison of AMP vs other mobile-first initiatives?

wayou commented 7 years ago

Regarding using devtool as IDE, I wondering how to properly customize the CodeMirror that we can have features such as code folding, showing indent guides, emmet support...

ingshtrom commented 7 years ago

Is it me or can no one else add reactions? Maybe it's just the mobile site?

mugukamil commented 7 years ago

@wayou Emmet support 👍

brainmark99 commented 7 years ago

@umaar When this video course will ready and where we can watch it?

Alexisvt commented 7 years ago

@AzharArshad according to the course site Home Page in 1 May of this year! But if you buy the course now, you will get a disscount, after that date the price will be normal! By the way when you buy the course you will have access to it forever!!! 😀(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ

umaar commented 7 years ago

Course Update: Thanks everyone for your excellent suggestions. Pre-launch is now available 🎊