umair13adil / simple_beacons_flutter

A flutter plugin project to range & monitor iBeacons.
Apache License 2.0
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setMethodCallHandler never run? #61

Open barangungor opened 2 years ago

barangungor commented 2 years ago

I want scan beacon devices, wrote the code like example code but i only see 2. print in my console. I can't see 3. print and can't startMonitoring.

    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      //Prominent disclosure
      print('HELLO ANDROID');
      await BeaconsPlugin.setDisclosureDialogMessage(
              title: "Title",
          .then((value) {
        print('HELLO ANDROID 2');
      // await BeaconsPlugin.clearDisclosureDialogShowFlag(false); async {
        print("Method: ${call.method}");
        if (call.method == 'scannerReady') {
          await BeaconsPlugin.startMonitoring();
        } else if (call.method == 'isPermissionDialogShown') {
          print("Prominent disclosure message is shown to the user!");
francescovallone commented 1 year ago


Same problem here running the example app. It never print print("Method: ${call.method}"); so it looks like it's not working properly