Closed brunetton closed 11 months ago
This would be great to have. It would also remove the need to edit existing waypoints which causes a webpage freeze
I know this is not user friendly, but as a workaround one can change the hash in the URL, example #10/48.85839, 2.29458
But having a more intuitive and friendly way to do it would indeed makes sense!
Until this feature is implemented, for Windows users, here's an AutoIt script to 1) grab the coordinates from the clipboard, 2) find the map and grab itsURL to get the map #, and 3) build a new URL:
;grab map URL, get map #, prompt for GPS coords, generate new map URL
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <StringConstants.au3>
;from Au3Record
Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0)
Local $result = False
If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text)
$result = WinWait($title,$text,$timeout)
if $result = False then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR,"Bad...","Window not displayed")
;grab GPS coords
Local $sAnswer = InputBox("Reference location", "Where from? LAT,LON", ClipGet())
if not $sAnswer Then Exit ConsoleWrite("Closed inputbox" & @CRLF)
$aArray = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sAnswer,$STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING + $STR_STRIPSPACES), ',')
If $aArray[0] <> 2 Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR,"Error","User entered no (correct) LAT,LON: " & UBound($aArray))
ConsoleWrite($REF_LAT & " " & $REF_LON & @CRLF)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;1=start, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase
_WinWaitActivate("[TITLE:uMap; CLASS:Chrome_WidgetWin_1]","",5)
;grab URL
ConsoleWrite("Input: " & ClipGet() & @CRLF)
;grab map #
Local $aParent = StringRegExp(ClipGet(), "_(\d+)#", $STR_REGEXPARRAYMATCH)
If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR,"Map #", "Not found")
Local $sMapNumber = $aParent[0]
ConsoleWrite("Map #:" & $sMapNumber & @CRLF)
;build URL
$sAnswer = StringFormat("",$sMapNumber,$REF_LAT,$REF_LON)
ConsoleWrite("Output:" & $sAnswer & @CRLF)
Is this deployed in public online version ? I tried it but it doesn't seems to work: searching for 50.85161,4.35286
doesn't return anything
@brunetton which instance of umap?
Argh, it should have been, but there is a CORS issue due to a misconfiguration (Leaflet.Photon has not been updated, so it does not contain the correct domain for API calls…). This needs a new release sadly to include the correct JS file.
@brunetton which instance of umap? but I think you figured out regarding to @yohanboniface comment.
Thanks !
I'm using uMap for some projects (and thanks for this great tool !). But I really misses the ability to center the map to given coordinates. Entering GPS coordinates (example
48.85839, 2.29458
) isn't recognized: