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Unofficial UMass thesis style files for use with LaTeX
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Best way to create bibliography #17

Closed RicGomez closed 9 years ago

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

My school requires APA style for references and bibliography. I usually use Biblatex to do this. However, I'm having problems using biblatex with the umthesis class.

What is the best way to process references with umthesis?


ransford commented 11 years ago

Can you clarify "having problems using biblatex with the umthesis class"?

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

It simply shows all the references as "undefined" and does not format them, and does not create the reference list. This doesn't happen when I use biblatex with the article or report class.

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

I was able to build the bibliography using Texnicenter (I was using Texstudio)...however, BIBLIOGRAPHY, dot leaders, and page number are not added to the TOC. Any help is much appreciated

ransford commented 11 years ago

Sorry, there's really not enough information in the question to figure out what's going on. is a quick read and a good guide for how to submit bug reports.

(In particular for this ticket, show us the relevant parts of your LaTeX sources and say how you tried to build them.)

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

I'll report the issue using the "Show me how to show myself" approach

below is the umthsmpl.tex file. I added the packages and commands needed to process a bibliography using Biblatex (see lines 106-110, and line 465). Run the file with biber. After "showing to yourself" you'll likely come to the same conclusion I arrived, that Biblatex does not work on the umthesis class (i.e. references are not formatted and, bibliography does not come up, and the "bibliography" entry in the table of contents is nowhere to be found)

%% %% This is a sample doctoral dissertation. It shows the appropriate %% structure for your dissertation. It should handle most of the %% strange requirements imposed by the Grad school; like the different %% handling of titles of one/many appendices. It will automatically %% handle the linespacing changes. The body default is double-spaced %% (except when you use the singlespace or condensed options). The %% default for quotations is single-space, and the default for tabular %% environments is also single-space.
%% %% This class adds the following commands and environments to the %% report class, upon which it is based: %% Commands %% ------------ %% \degree{name}{abbrv} -- Sets the name and abbreviation for the degree. %% These default to Doctor of Philosopy'' %% andPh.D.'', respectively. %% \copyrightyear{year} -- for the copyright page. %% \bachelors{degree}{institution} -- for the abstract %% \masters{degree}{institution} -- " %% if you have other degrees you may use %% \secondbachelors{degree}{institution} %% \thirdbachelors{degree}{institution} %% \secondmasters{degree}{institution} %% \thirdmasters{degree}{institution} %% \priordoctorate{degree}{institution} %% %% \committeechair{name} -- for the signature page %% or, if you have two co-chairs: %% \cochairs{first name}{second name} %% %% \firstreader{name} -- " %% \secondreader{name} -- " %% \thirdreader{name} -- (optional) %% \fourthreader{name} -- " %% \fifthreader{name} -- " %% \sixthreader{name} -- " %% \departmentchair{name} -- for the signature page %% \departmentname{name} -- " %% %% \copyrightpage -- produces the copyright page %% \signaturepage -- produces the signature page %% %% \frontmatter -- these are required in their various %% \mainmatter -- appropriate locations %% \backmatter -- %% %% \unnumberedchapter[toc]{name} -- like \chapter, except that it %% produces an unnumbered chapter; %% alternatively, like \chapter*, %% except that it lists the chapter %% in the table of contents. %% %% New environments: %% dedication -- for the dedication %% abstract -- for the abstract %% %% The thesis documentclass is built on top of the report document class. %% It accepts all of the options that the report class accepts, plus the %% following: %% doublespace -- the default, indicates double spacing as per U.Mass. %% requirements. You will need this when you do your %% final copy. %% singlespace -- for earlier work, not acceptable to the Grad school %% condensed -- for earlier work, not acceptable to the Grad school, %% creates condensed versions of the frontmatter. %% Condensed implies singlespace. %% dissertation - the default, indicates that this document is a %% dissertation. %% proposal -- indicates that this document is a dissertation proposal, %% rather than a dissertation. This will only change the %% wording on the title and signature pages. %% thesis -- indicates that this document is a Master's thesis %% rather than a doctoral dissertation. This also changes %% the default for \degree to Master of Science, M.S. %% allowlisthypenation -- (the default), allows hyphenation of words in %% the table of contents, the list of figures, and the list %% of tables. I believe that this is acceptable to the %% Graduate School. %% nolisthyphenation -- disallows hyphenation of words in the table of %% contents and the list of figures and tables. Use this %% option if the Grad School doesn't like your hyphenation. %% nicerdraft -- relaxes some of the Grad School's rules for working with %% drafts -- has no effect when doublespace is in effect %% nonicerdraft -- the default, leaves things in draft as they will be in %% the final version %% umthesis changes the default font size to 12pt, but you may specify 10pt or %% 11pt in the options. \documentclass{umthesis} % for Ph.D. dissertation or proposal % \documentclass[thesis]{umthesis} % for Master's thesis

%% %% If you have enough figures or tables that you run out of space for their %% numbers in the List of Tables or List of figures, you can use the following %% command to adjust the space left for numbers. The default is shown: %% %% \setlength{\tablenumberwidth}{2.3em}

%% Use the hyperref package if you're producing a version for online %% distribution and you want hyperlinks. Note that the Grad School doesn't want %% their PDF viewers to colorize or otherwise highlight the links; use the %% hidelinks option to hyperref to avoid decorating links. %\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}

%the following packages are used to create the bibliography using biblatex \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa, doi=false]{biblatex} \DeclareLanguageMapping{american}{american-apa} \addbibresource{umthsmpl.bib} %\usepackage{soul}%%%for highlighting text. Used with command \hl{text}


%% %% You must fill in all of these appropriately \title{On the predilection of sheep for grass\A really long title\with multiple lines} \author{I. M. Woolly} \date{February 1995} % The date you'll actually graduate -- must be % February, May, or September \copyrightyear{1995} \bachelors{B.Sc.}{University of Woolloomooloo} \masters{M.Sc.}{University of Back of Bourke} \secondmasters{M.Ed.}{Antioch College} \priordoctorate{M.D.}{University of Never-never-land} % \committeechair{B. B. Bahh} \cochairs{B. B. Bahh}{I. M. A. Wolf} \firstreader{Little Bo Peep} \secondreader{R. U. Sheepish} \thirdreader{Bill Shepherd} \fourthreader{Mary Lamb} % Optional %\fifthreader{} % Optional %\sixthreader{} % Optional \departmentchair{Pete Shearer} % Uses "Department Chair" as the title. To % use an alternate title, such as "Chair", use \departmentchair[Chair]{Pete Shearer} \departmentname{Sheep Studies}

%% If your degree is something other than a Ph.D. (for a dissertation), or %% an M.S. (for a thesis), you will need to uncomment the appropriate %% following line: %% %% \degree{Doctor of Education}{Ed.D.} %% \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Ph.D.} %% %% \degree{Master of Arts}{M.A.} %% \degree{Master of Arts in Teaching}{M.A.T.} %% \degree{Master of Business Administration}{M.B.A.} %% \degree{Master of Education}{M.Ed.} %% \degree{Master of Fine Arts}{M.F.A.} %% \degree{Master of Landscape Architecture}{M.L.A.} %% \degree{Master of Music}{M.M.} %% \degree{Master of Public Administration}{M.P.A.} \degree{Master of Public Health}{M.P.H.} %% \degree{Master of Regional Planning}{M.R.P.} %% \degree{Master of Science}{M.S.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Accounting}{M.S. Acctg.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Chemical Engineering}{M.S. Ch.E.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Civil Engineering}{M.S.C.E.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering}{M.S.E.C.E.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Engineering Management}{M.S. Eng. Mgt.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Environmental Engineering}{M.S. Env. E.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research}{M.S.I.E.O.R.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering}{M.S. Mfg. Eng.} %% \degree{Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering}{M.S.M.E.} %% %% \degree{Professional Master of Business Administration}{P.M.B.A.}

%% %% These lines produce the title, copyright, and signature pages. %% They are Mandatory; except that you could leave out the copyright page %% if you were preparing an M.S. thesis instead of a PhD dissertation. \frontmatter \maketitle \copyrightpage %% not required for an M.S. thesis \signaturepage

%% %% Dedication is optional -- but this is how you create it \begin{dedication} % Dedication page \begin{center} \emph{To those little lost sheep.} \end{center} \end{dedication}

%% %% Epigraph goes here...(aka frontispiece) %% \chapter{Epigraph}?????

%% %% Acknowledgements are optional...yeah, right. \chapter{Acknowledgments} % Acknowledgements page Thanks to all those fine shepherds. Not to mention all the great border collies and suchlike fine animals.

%% %% Abstract is MANDATORY. -- Except for MS theses \begin{abstract} % Abstract Sheep like grass. Why? Let me tell you. Sheep are ruminants, like cattle, deer, and horses. They have stomachs that are specialized... \end{abstract}

%% %% Preface goes here...would be just like Acknowledgements -- optional %% \chapter{Preface} %% ...

%% %% Table of contents is mandatory, lists of tables and figures are %% mandatory if you have any tables or figures; must be in this order. \tableofcontents % Table of contents \listoftables % List of Tables \listoffigures % List of Figures

%% %% We don't handle List of Abbreviations %% We don't handle Glossary

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Time for the body of the dissertation \mainmatter %% <-- This line is mandatory

%% %% If you want an introduction, which is not a numbered chapter, insert %% the following two lines. This is OPTIONAL: \unnumberedchapter{Introduction} Why on earth do I want to study sheep anyway?

%% %% Some sample text \chapter{An Introduction to Sheep} Is there life after sheep. Yes, I say there is.%\marginpar{Really?}

\section{Pulling the wool over your eyes}

Sheep are fabulous creatures. The noises they make are truly stupendous \parencite{Bah}. We also want to refer to figure \ref{fig:circle} here. Here's some verbatim text to screw us up:

{\small \begin{verbatim} xxx := y; xy := x; \end{verbatim} }

\begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{picture}(300,200) \put(150,100){\circle{150}} \put(1,1){\framebox(298,198){}} \end{picture} \caption{A circle in a square.}\label{fig:circle} \end{center} \end{figure}

\subsection{All about sheep noises} Lots of text here just to fill up some space so we can be sure that we really are double-spacing and doing all the other things that might be necessary in formatting a dissertation to U.Mass. guidelines. We're also going to have another figure here, figure \ref{fig:disc}, just for fun, and to make sure that the list of figures is formatted correctly. Now it's time for table \ref{table:somenumbers}. We really are going to need a third figure, figure \ref{fig:discs}, two more tables, table \ref{table:morenumbers} and table \ref{table:evenmorenumbers} and a fourth figure, figure \ref{fig:circleanddisc}, just to really make sure.

\begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{picture}(300,200) \put(150,100){\circle*{150}} \put(1,1){\framebox(298,198){}} \end{picture} \caption{A disc in a square.}\label{fig:disc} \end{center} \end{figure}

\begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center} \caption{Some numbers.} \label{table:somenumbers} \begin{tabular}{|r|lll|} \hline & Minimum & Average & Maximum \ Type of Animal & Observed & Observed & Observed \ \hline Cats & 12 & 20 & 24 \ Dogs & 20 & 20 & 20 \ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table}

\begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{picture}(400,200) \put(100,100){\circle{150}} \put(300,100){\circle{150}} \put(1,1){\framebox(398,198){}} \end{picture} \caption{Two discs in a rectangle.}\label{fig:discs} \end{center} \end{figure}

\begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center} \caption{More numbers.} \label{table:morenumbers} \begin{tabular}{|r|lll|} \hline Type of Animal & Arms & Legs & Ears \ \hline Person & 2 & 2 & 2 \ Dog & 0 & 4 & 2 \ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table}

\begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center} \caption[Even more numbers; together with a caption long enough to ensure that multi-line caption formatting works correctly.]{Even more numbers; together with a caption long enough to ensure that multi-line caption formatting works correctly. If you want a shorter caption to appear in the Table of Figures you're going to have to put the shorter caption in the \texttt{[]} as shown in this example.} \label{table:evenmorenumbers}

  x & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \hline
  y & 2 & 2 & 2 \\
  z & 3 & 3 & 3 \\ \hline

\end{center} \end{table}

\begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{picture}(400,200) \put(100,100){\circle{150}} \put(300,100){\circle*{150}} \put(1,1){\framebox(398,198){}} \end{picture} \caption{A circle and a disc in a square. We want this caption to be very long to ensure that the formatting of very long captions is handled correctly. The case of short captions has already been dealt with.}\label{fig:circleanddisc} \end{center} \end{figure}

\subsubsection{Baahs} \subsection{Even more about sheep noises} \subsection{And yet more about sheep noises}

\section{What about wolves?}

\section{What about shepherds?} What about shepherds? I don't really know, but I want some text here to fill things in so that I can verify that everything is OK. \subsection{A subsection} This is a subsection of the subsection about shepherds. \subsection{Another subsection} This is another subsection of that section. \subsubsection{A subsubsection} This is a subsubsection of that subsection that will in turn havae a paragraph with a pair of subparagraphs. I am aware that I shouldn't have only one subsubsection in the subsection... \paragraph{A Paragraph} This is the text associated with this paragraph. I really want enough text to make it look like a paragraph. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. \subparagraph{A Subparagraph} This is the text associated with this subparagraph. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. \subparagraph{Another Subparagraph} Better not have subparagraphs without text in them. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. \paragraph{Another Paragraph} Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah.

Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. \subsubsection{Another Subsubsection} With some text. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah.

\chapter{Sheep and Grass}


Grass is a wonderful food... Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah.

\chapter{A Wonderfully Long Chapter Title That Is This Long In Order to Test the Chapter Heading Stuff} Note that we shouldn't really have a chapter heading with no body, so here is a body for this chapter. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah. Baah, baah, baah.

\section{The antidisestablishmentarainism supercalifragilisticexpialidocious longlonglonglonglongword}

A \texttt{quotation}:

\begin{quotation} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nibh orci, molestie non vehicula ac, ultricies quis purus. Nunc euismod metus vel nulla sodales quis tempus nisi varius. Sed ornare pulvinar bibendum. Ut egestas mollis nisi vel cursus. \end{quotation}

\dots and a \texttt{quote}:

\begin{quote} Ut dolor libero, blandit tristique accumsan non, viverra a magna. Sed pretium sollicitudin neque, sit amet ornare lorem convallis ac. Fusce mollis gravida aliquam. Nullam vulputate turpis vitae orci porttitor auctor. Donec in auctor erat. \end{quote}

%% End of body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\appendix \chapter{THE FIRST APPENDIX TITLE} ... \chapter{THE SECOND APPENDIX TITLE} ...

%% %% Beginning of back matter \backmatter %% <--- mandatory

%% %% We don't support endnotes

%% %% A bibliography is required. \interlinepenalty=10000 % prevent split bibliography entries %\bibliographystyle{umthesis} %\bibliography{umthsmpl} \printbibliography \end{document}

%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End:

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

Then, take the same packages and codes, and use them in an article class, and you'll see how the references come up OK

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa, doi=false]{biblatex} \DeclareLanguageMapping{american}{american-apa} \addbibresource{umthsmpl2.bib}

\begin{document} \section{Pulling the wool over your eyes}

Sheep are fabulous creatures. The noises they make are truly stupendous \parencite{Bah}. We also want to refer to figure \ref{fig:circle} here. Here's some verbatim text to screw us up:

\printbibliography \end{document}

ransford commented 11 years ago

Your setup is very different from mine; I'm installing Biber to see if I can reproduce the problem. In the meantime: does your .log file say anything about biblatex wanting you to re-run Biber?

ransford commented 11 years ago

I got your sample to "work" (produce a document with references) like this:

$ pdflatex ricssample
$ biber ricssample
$ pdflatex ricssample
$ pdflatex ricssample

I've never used Biber before. Time to update my pdflatex Makefile...

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

This appeared almost at the end of the log file

LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.

Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file: (biblatex) umthsmpl_biblatex (biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

I'd like to know what latex installation you use...because in my installation biblatex works perfectly on the article and report classess, but fails to compile on umthesis

ransford commented 11 years ago

texlive, biblatex and biber, all installed from MacPorts.

What happens when you do the same sequence of commands I gave in the above comment? If you're using a wrapper around LaTeX, it might not be recognizing the log entry saying you have to re-run Biber. Most wrappers parse through the log file to look for errors...

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

when I use the same sequence you gave above, on the umthesis class, the document compiles, but does not create the references nor the bibliography list... I don't quite understand the "wrapper" issue...could you please explain more? thanks.

ransford commented 11 years ago

And when it doesn't do what you want, what does the log say? Does it report that you have to re-run something? If so, what happens when you re-run that thing?

TeXnicCenter appears to be a graphical wrapper around MikTeX -- that is, it runs MikTeX for you.

RicGomez commented 11 years ago

Nothing happens...just the same log

Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file: (biblatex) umthsmpl_biblatex (biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

ransford commented 11 years ago

Did you run biber umthsmpl_biblatex? It would be helpful if you created a dropbox folder with your test file and a test .bib file. Then report exactly what you did to compile the file, and what happened.

jvilk commented 9 years ago

As the current maintainer of the style file, I'm cleaning out old issues. Since this issue appears (to me) to be an issue with a particular LaTeX setup and has been dormant for some time now, I am closing it for now.

Feel free to reopen if you continue to have difficulties with the style file.