umati / Showcase

umati Showcase Specification
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Showcase - New connection mechanism - OPC UA PubSub #33

Open GoetzGoerisch opened 2 years ago

GoetzGoerisch commented 2 years ago

The showcase is going to be extended with a second data ingestion path.

Instead of OPC UA server/client (TCP/UA binary) and the aggregation server (datahub) in the middle the showcase participants can also directly publish MQTT (UA JSON) to the showcase MQTT broker.

Describe the setup and requirements for an OPC UA Publisher (broker access, topic structure, datasets) to publish direct.

This is planned to available in time for AMB Fair in Stuttgart 2022.

GoetzGoerisch commented 2 years ago

Also describe the use of UA-CloudPublisher as a bridge to OPC UA Binary to OPC PubSub.

TonjaHeinemann commented 1 year ago

akuelle Planung:

nicht klar: OPC UA PubSub/JSON steht bis zur EMO -> umfangreiches Thema

GoetzGoerisch commented 7 months ago

Anbindung derzeit per umati Gateway Software - OPC UA C/S nach MQTT mit umati JSON Encoding.

Planung für PubSub mit UA JSON Encoding laufen.