umautobots / driving-in-the-matrix

Steps to reproduce training results for the paper Driving in the Matrix: Can Virtual Worlds Replace Human-Generated Annotations for Real World Tasks?
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Modifying the class list for existing synthetic data #2

Closed villanuevab closed 6 years ago

villanuevab commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to modify the class list of the provided data? I would like to add, for example, classes for stopSign and pedestrianCrossingSign. I saw which would allow me to capture/generate new synthetic data, but I am specifically wondering if the existing data can be modified programmatically to have annotations for new classes.

Thanks for this great work!

krosaen commented 6 years ago

Yes, I believe you could hack on the Pascal VOC Loader to expect different class names, and then have your VOC-like dataset match accordingly. One way to do this would be to map your modified file into the container using docker volumes.

Hope this helps, wish I could provide more explicit guidance but do not have the bandwidth atm.