umbcs410-utimaco / crypto-analysis

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Project proposal - existing work #9

Open dakaizou opened 2 years ago

dakaizou commented 2 years ago

It is important to know what is out there! Please google and find similar software products, and list them here. We can certainly get inspired by any existing work (but of course give credit!).

dakaizou commented 2 years ago

dakaizou commented 2 years ago

We found one company Elliptic trying to solve the exact same problem. However, most of their products are close-sourced and commercial. This may be due to the target audience of these kind of products is banks and law enforcement. Another alternative explanation could be this is a relatively new field, and most products are still getting tractions.

There are a lot of existing tools for monitoring certain wallet address:

These products all provide similar functionaility: Monitoring a certain wallet address. They are closer to consumers, and they are not directly competing with this project because they don't include visualization or other analytic features.