umbe1987 / shire

A WebGIS portal made with open source projects.
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Attribute Table pagination #20

Open umbe1987 opened 5 years ago

umbe1987 commented 5 years ago

As requesting all the records from a WFS which has many rows slows down the rendering of the table, now there's an impse limit to a maximum of feature requests which is 200 (maybe too few). I can implement a pagination like I do for the Info panel, by paginating the rows with the parameters STARTINDEXcombined with MAXFEATURES, as described in

e.g. 200 records starting from the 200th

(without geometry, see also #19)

umbe1987 commented 5 years ago

To retrieve the total number of features in a WFS, one can use the standard WFS parameter RESULTTYPE=hits&.

