umbraco / Umbraco-CMS.Accessibility.Issues

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Global - No skip links #15

Closed umbrabot closed 1 year ago

umbrabot commented 2 years ago

Global issue

Issue: Bypass blocks: A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content

Why it matters: Web pages typically have blocks of content that repeat across multiple pages, such as banners and site navigation menus. A person who uses a mouse can visually skim past that repeated content to access a link or other control within the primary content with a single click. Similarly, a bypass mechanism allows keyboard users to navigate directly to the page’s main content. Otherwise, reaching the primary content could require dozens of keystrokes. People with limited mobility could find this task difficult or painful, and people who use screen readers could find it tedious to listen as each repeated element is announced.

How to fix: Implement one or more of the following keyboard-accessible methods for bypassing repetitive content:

  1. Provide a link for bypassing repeated content (preferred, as it helps all keyboard users)
  2. Group blocks of content so they can be bypassed (acceptable, but it helps only users of assistive technology)

W3 reference:

nul800sebastiaan commented 1 year ago

For an example of how this could be a hidden link that doesn't have to be always on the screen, go to and tap the [tab] button on your keyboard, the first [tab] is "Go to menu" and the second [tab] says "Go to content".

We can do the same and I would suggest that the second [tab] goes to the "Content header" (see screenshot).


mattbegent commented 1 year ago

Working on it.

mattbegent commented 1 year ago

Created a PR

mikecp commented 1 year ago

This can be closed as per merge of the PR above 😊

nul800sebastiaan commented 1 year ago

Thanks @mikecp! 👍

nul800sebastiaan commented 1 year ago

And @mattbegent of course! 🎉