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ATAG - Feature - Forms editor #76

Open DannyLancaster opened 2 years ago

DannyLancaster commented 2 years ago

Accessibility by default or built-in support for accessible content creation.

A forms editor is used to create different kinds of forms that may be used for registration, contact or any other interaction with the user of the website. Forms can be very simple (fill in your email address to subscribe to our newsletter) or extremely complex, with back end logic to save content or present material from other systems, validation or authentication as well as many pages and steps. Because the form requires interaction with the user, accessibility is key. At the same time, forms require both output and input to work in a correct way, and there is no surprise that forms are the objects where most accessibility issues are normally found.

For many users, forms can be a challenge. This is true for users with cognitive impairments, motor impairments and users with any kind of assistive technology, whether it is a screen reader, an enlargement tool or an input device.

Web interface: the end user view


Code of end user view

<form action="/en/education" method="post">

<legend>Participant Information</legend>
<label for="f1">Name
<span class="errormsg"></span>
<input autocomplete="name" id="f1"
data-val-errormsg="Please enter a name"
type="text" value="" required="required">

<label for="f2">Work title
<span class="errormsg"></span>
<input autocomplete="organization-title" id="f2" type="text" value="">

<label for="f3">E-mail
<span class="errormsg"></span>
<input autocomplete="work email" id="f3"
data-val-regex="Please provide a valid e-mail address"
data-val-errormsg="Please provide a valid e-mail address"
type="email" value="" required="required">

Explanation of the code example

  1. The <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form.
  2. The tag is used to define a caption for the <fieldset> element.
  3. The <label> tag defines a label for several elements, for example:

Proper use of labels with the elements above will benefit:

Note: The for attribute of <label> must be equal to the id attribute of the related element to bind them together. A label can also be bound to an element by placing the element inside the <label> element.

  1. The HTML autocomplete attribute is available on <input> elements that take a text or numeric value as input, <textarea> elements, <select> elements, and <form> elements. Autocomplete lets web developers specify what, if any, assistance the user agent has to provide automated assistance in filling out form field values, as well as guidance to the browser as to the type of information expected in the field.
  2. The attribute required specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.
  3. Provide feedback to users about the results of their form submission, whether successful or not. This includes in-line feedback at or near the form controls and overall feedback that is typically provided after form submission. Notifications have to be concise and clear. In particular, error messages should be easy to understand and should provide simple instructions on how they can be resolved. Success messages are also important to confirm task completion.

Form editors in authoring tools should be built to assume accessibility best practices for both the author and the end-user. Default options should be set up to be semantically correct.

Video documentation

Recommendations for implementation

To make sure the implementation of the features is not causing accessibility problems for web authors with disabilities: