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Cannot run a clean V14 installation with http:// scheme #16605

Closed olatov closed 1 week ago

olatov commented 1 week ago

Which Umbraco version are you using? (Please write the exact version, example: 10.1.0)


Bug summary

Attempts to run a clean v14 installation using the http:// scheme result in an invalid_request type error.

An exising v13->v14 upgrade is affected too (can't access the backoffice after the upgrade).


[15:10:03 INF] The request URI matched a server endpoint: Authorization.
[15:10:03 INF] The response was successfully returned as a plain-text document: {
  "error": "invalid_request",
  "error_description": "This server only accepts HTTPS requests.",
  "error_uri": ""

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install the v14 templates
    dotnet new install Umbraco.Templates::14.0.0
  2. Create a new project
    dotnet new umbraco --name mysite14
  3. Run the app using the http protocol
    cd mysite14
    dotnet run --urls http://localhost:5000
  4. The installation wizard works ok, click through the steps.
  5. The error occurs once the installation is finished. The app will work ok (despite the obviuous cert error) if served with https://.

Expected result / actual result

This worked fine in v13, therefore it is a breaking change for many scenarios where https wouldn't be served directly from Kestrel.

Please advise if there's a fix / workaround / configuration change available, otherwise document a breaking change stating the https is required.


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hi there @olatov!

Firstly, a big thank you for raising this issue. Every piece of feedback we receive helps us to make Umbraco better.

We really appreciate your patience while we wait for our team to have a look at this but we wanted to let you know that we see this and share with you the plan for what comes next.

We wish we could work with everyone directly and assess your issue immediately but we're in the fortunate position of having lots of contributions to work with and only a few humans who are able to do it. We are making progress though and in the meantime, we will keep you in the loop and let you know when we have any questions.

Thanks, from your friendly Umbraco GitHub bot :robot: :slightly_smiling_face:

elit0451 commented 1 week ago

Fixed in