umbraco / Umbraco.Cloud.Issues

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Static asset caching configuration #505

Open bartmermans opened 3 years ago

bartmermans commented 3 years ago

Issue description

Apparently, it's not possible to configure caching period for static assets (JS,, Font files, ...). Umbraco Cloud (& Cloudflare) ignores the clientcache setting in web.config and uses a default of 8 days. This is giving a performance warning in a Lighthouse audit.




sitereactor commented 3 years ago

We will be looking at Cloudflare caching and configuration during December, so hopefully we'll have an update before the end of the month.

bartmermans commented 2 years ago

Hi, any updates on this issue? I'm also very interested in Cloudflare configuration for Umbraco Cloud in general (caching rules etc.). I can't find any documentation about that topic.

sajumb commented 2 years ago

@bartmermans Sorry for the late reply. We will soon launch a new page in the portal where you can enable CDN caching for your static files and enable minification for HTML, CSS and JS. This can be in general or set specifically for each of your hostnames in the cloud project. Besides this you can set the cache TTL and purge your cache. The minimal value for TTL and max number of purge per day will depend on your purge cache. We are looking forward to present this new great feature to the cloud! It is expected to reach you in april.

Momkay commented 1 year ago

Any updates? Having the same issue on a live site while caching is enabled in Umbraco Cloud (Starter Plan). This is affecting Google Pagespeed score.
