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CSS Validation Errors in Umbraco Id css file (Umbraco.Cloud.Identity v4.0.8.1) #621

Open hfloyd opened 1 year ago

hfloyd commented 1 year ago

Issue description

I have been checking all .css files in my site's App_Plugins folder because of the back-office Smidge failure issue (

To check, I use The W3C CSS Validation Service

And got this error report for the file "\App_Plugins\UmbracoId\BackOffice\assets\css\style.css" image

sajumb commented 1 year ago

Hi Heather, Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. I will ensure that this information is passed on to our team that handles the Umbraco Id product.

mclausen commented 1 month ago

Hi there @hfloyd, We are currently looking into this issue, and will be updated with the next version of UmbracoId for Umbraco 8.