umbraco / Umbraco.Deploy.Issues

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Not all document properties get transferred, neither from local to Live nor from Live to local #126

Closed idseefeld closed 2 years ago

idseefeld commented 2 years ago

Issue description

What I did:

  1. Created a new Umbraco 10 Cloud Starter project.
  2. Added German as default language (LIVE).
  3. Created a contact form and some translations as magic strings (LIVE).
  4. Cloned project to localhost.
  5. In Visual Studio 2022 added sln-file and class library project UmbracoProject.Core.
  6. Renamed UmbracoProject to UmbracoProject.Web (updated namespaces, .umbraco)
  7. Deleted bin and obj folder.
  8. Configured ModelsBuilder to generate models in UmbracoProject.Core with mode SourceCodeManual project in appsetting.devlopment.json.
  9. Configured ModelsBuilder mode Nothing in appsetting.json.
  10. Generated models in back-office settings section.
  11. Restarted with compiled models.
  12. Created composition doc type SEO with three properties.
  13. Created doc type with template idsStandard using sEO composition and grid property.
  14. Created doc type with template Root inheriting from idsStandard and textbox for sitename allowed at root. 14.1. all doc types and properties allow vary by culture
  15. Created one content node of type root and filled in the properties.
  16. Stopped debugging, build and did git push.
  17. Started debugging again and queued the one and only node for transfer. 17.1. On Workspaces started Transfer to Live and got schema mismatch error
  18. Reordered properties on sEO doc type, generated models and git push. 19.1. Started debugging again and queued the one and only node for transfer. 19.2. On Workspaces started Transfer to Live and received success message 19.3. In Live environment I see the root node with correct name and template assigned, but none of the properties have their values set.
  19. Deleted the Live node and tried transfer from local again. No difference.
  20. Filled in all properties on the Live node and deleted the local node.
  21. Did a restore on local, but same result of created node without property content.
  22. Deleted all local files and did a fresh clone of the project.
  23. Build and restored from Live: Same result.

If it might help you can use my project Do I have to add one of you to the project or do you have already admin access?

I will wait for your response. Continuing to work just doesn't make sense anyways.😥

Yours Dirk

idseefeld commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I intended to post this here. Probably I got the wrong link. I'll check my bookmarks!

AndyButland commented 2 years ago

Would be very useful thanks @idseefeld if you could invite me to the project (abl AT umbraco DOT dk) please. I can then try restoring and replicating what you are finding.

idseefeld commented 2 years ago

Hi Andy, I have just invited you to the project and hope it is not a big issue.

idseefeld commented 2 years ago

I have found another Deploy documentation page and added the following to appsettings.json:

"Deploy": {
      "Settings": {
        "AllowDomainsDeploymentOperations": "All"

But that did not help.

Btw. AllowDomainsDeploymentOperations is not defined in appsettings-schema.json

AndyButland commented 2 years ago

Hi @idseefeld - back from holiday this week so would like to look at this, but actually it doesn't look like I got an invite. Could you invite **** please? Thanks.

idseefeld commented 2 years ago

Hi @AndyButland now you should have received an invitation. I did a typo in your email.

AndyButland commented 2 years ago

Got it now, thanks.

AndyButland commented 2 years ago

Thanks again @idseefeld for the report and repro steps. I've found a bug we've inadvertently introduced with the 10.0 release for restoring content with variant properties, so will get this fixed up for a patch release.

AndyButland commented 2 years ago

I've taken the liberty of upgrading the project you shared with me to 10.0.1, and that looks to have resolved the issue. If I do a restore now of the variant content item, I get all the properties as expected.