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Globally email templates / workflows #1187

Open bjarnef opened 3 months ago

bjarnef commented 3 months ago

When working with workflows on many forms I often thing I need to do the same over and over and unfortunately is isn't possible to copy workflows (except the entire form):

I think it could be useful to define some globally email templates or workflow to re-use. Although workflows specific per form is great, we have mainly used the same configuration, which is tedious to manage when the number of forms grow, e.g. in a multi-site solutions where the customer may prefer a form per language/culture/site.

A concreate scenario it that I have a workflow "Send email to user" to send confirmation email to user (copy of form submission).


An idea could be be to define this globally, but of course each form using this would need to have the field with alias email.

Another idea is just the email part, e.g. something similar to email templates in Umbraco Commerce:

That way on the workflow configuration I only need to select the same email template (node). If the customer want to adjust header or footer text, it doesn't need to be done on 100 forms, just on a single node.

Perhaps consider is as global content similar to global blocks in Umbraco