Background: previous versions of Workflow (aka Plumber) displayed version information in the backoffice, and a prompt to upgrade when there is a new version available. Part of that notification included a link to the package on Nuget.
Current day: Workflow will get package version info from Marketplace, and instead of linking off to Nuget, it makes better sense to link to the Marketplace. It makes even better sense to stay in the Backoffice and show the package info in the current context.
To that end, I'm creating an /embed/ route, with a simplified package view, ready for embedding in the backoffice. Considered passing a packageId param to the Backoffice Marketplace embed, but that's not as clean a solution compared to allowing package devs to embed their package page (eg in an infinite editor).
Background: previous versions of Workflow (aka Plumber) displayed version information in the backoffice, and a prompt to upgrade when there is a new version available. Part of that notification included a link to the package on Nuget.
Current day: Workflow will get package version info from Marketplace, and instead of linking off to Nuget, it makes better sense to link to the Marketplace. It makes even better sense to stay in the Backoffice and show the package info in the current context.
To that end, I'm creating an /embed/ route, with a simplified package view, ready for embedding in the backoffice. Considered passing a packageId param to the Backoffice Marketplace embed, but that's not as clean a solution compared to allowing package devs to embed their package page (eg in an infinite editor).