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Requesting a new scheduled publication time doesn't work #80

Open sniffdk opened 1 week ago

sniffdk commented 1 week ago

If an editor requests a page for publish setting a scheduled time for the publish and later on requests a new publication time, the new publication time will be shown, but when the time has passed, the page won't be published and the publication time will revert to the originally set time.


Seen on Umbraco 13.4.1 and Workflow 13.2.0+faab5a3

  1. As an editor, request publish with a "Publish on" date set.
  2. Get the request approved.
  3. Request another publish with a new "Publish on" date set.
  4. Get the request approved.
  5. Wait for the time to pass the second date.

Expected result

I would expect that the second "Publish on" date would be the date for the publication

Actual result

The page is not published at the time of the second "Publish on" date. Instead, the page now shows the first "Publish on" date again.

The only way to alter the "Publish on" date is by having an administrator go and remove it through the normal Schedule menu.

This item has been added to our backlog AB#44405

nathanwoulfe commented 19 hours ago

Hey @sniffdk this is an interesting one as it could be seen to be the expected behaviour - when submitting the second workflow, the content is already scheduled, so should we be resetting the scheduled date, keeping the first, or not allowing scheduling at all, or not allowing scheduling earlier than the existing scheduled date? Absolutely not a question for you to answer, but something we need to consider at our end.