umbraco / UmbracoExamine.PDF

PDF indexing support in UmbracoExamine
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Registering custom text extractor does not work #21

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I have registered a custom text extractor (PdfPig).

However it doesn't hit any of my break points, and it doesn't seem to return any results.

I have registered it as below:

using Examine;
using Examine.LuceneEngine.Providers;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
using UmbracoExamine.PDF;
using UmbracoExaminePDF.Extractors;

namespace UmbracoExaminePDF.Composers
    [ComposeAfter(typeof(ExaminePdfComposer))] //this must execute after the ExaminePdfComposer composer
    public class ExaminePdfComposer : ComponentComposer<ExaminePdfComponent>, IUserComposer
        public override void Compose(Composition composition)
            composition.RegisterUnique<IPdfTextExtractor, PdfPigTextExtractor>();

    public class ExaminePdfComponent : IComponent
        private readonly IExamineManager _examineManager;

        public ExaminePdfComponent(IExamineManager examineManager)
            _examineManager = examineManager;

        public void Initialize()
            //Get both the external and pdf index
            if (_examineManager.TryGetIndex(Constants.UmbracoIndexes.ExternalIndexName, out var externalIndex)
                && _examineManager.TryGetIndex(PdfIndexConstants.PdfIndexName, out var pdfIndex))
                //register a multi searcher for both of them
                var multiSearcher = new MultiIndexSearcher("MultiSearcher", new IIndex[] { externalIndex, pdfIndex });

        public void Terminate() { }

And the Pdf pig extractor is pretty simple:

using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UglyToad.PdfPig;
using UglyToad.PdfPig.Content;
using UmbracoExamine.PDF;

namespace UmbracoExaminePDF.Extractors
    /// <summary>
    /// Extracts text from a PDF using PdfPig
    /// </summary>
    public class PdfPigTextExtractor : IPdfTextExtractor
        public string GetTextFromPdf(Stream pdfFileStream)
            using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(pdfFileStream))
                var result = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Page page in document.GetPages())

                return result.ToString();

Any help would be appreciated

cleversolutions commented 4 years ago

I'll take a look at this and get back to you. PDFPig looks really promising, I have been putting a ton of effort into adding text extraction to PDFSharp, and this seems to do a pretty decent job out of the box, and it's Apache 2.0 licensed.

kdx-perbol commented 2 years ago

This works for us. We ReqisterUnique in a composer that ComposeAfters ExaminePdfComposer, and our extractor runs. Code is trivial, but let me know if needed.