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Resume point indicators remain on movies & episodes despite being marked as “watched” within Trakt #311

Closed Omarscomin closed 10 months ago

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago


Almost every time I finish watching a movie or an episode that was already in-progress, the in-progress indicator remains on said movie or episode, as though I have not finished watching it.

All watched content is appearing as expected within my history page on the Trakt website. Additionally, when I access Trakt manager from Umbrella’s context menu, I’m given the option to mark content as unwatched.

The only way I can get the indicator to change from the in-progress indicator to the watched indicator is to scrobble reset the item via Umbrella’s context menu. Reloading the skin and/or doing a Trakt sync and clearing cache does not resolve the issue. For reference, I am not using the universal Trakt add on, and I am not using TMDB for widgets or as a player.

Expected Result

The in-progress indicator should change to a watched indicator upon finishing a movie or episode, especially after reloading the skin.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a resume point by playing a movie or episode
  2. Resume said movie or episode from the resume point that you created
  3. Finish watching the movie or episode
  4. Check and see if the in-progress indicator changed into a watched indicator.

Kodi Version, Type of Device, Logs, Screenshots, and Additional Info

Device: 2019 Nvidia Shield Pro

Kodi version: 20.2

Skin: Arctic Horizon 2



Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Just realized that I had resume points for completely watched content, according to Trakt Playblack Progress Manager (, which was synced up with my regular Trakt account. I'm wondering if that was causing issues. I'm about to run some tests.


Welp, looks like this was the culprit after all!🤦🏻‍♀️I disconnected the Trakt Playlist Manager from my list of connected apps on my Trakt account, and I haven't had any issues since then. If you wasted any time on this, I’m so incredibly sorry because I'm pretty sure it wasn't an Umbrella issue. If anything, Umbrella was doing its job too well😉😅Hopefully at least one of us can use my stupidity to help someone else!! Thank you so much for everything!

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

I spoke too soon :( Resume points/in-progress indicators are back to not working correctly. I'll get some more logs.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Another log:

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

OK, so I know Umbrella Dev is working on some things atm, so is super busy. I can see some Trakt issue errors in your log. Can you do me a favour, play these files in Estuary, and see if you have the same issues.

As you always recommend, make sure to clear cache and reauth trakt etc first, then send another log.


Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

OK, so I know Umbrella Dev is working on some things atm, so is super busy. I can see some Trakt issue errors in your log. Can you do me a favour, play these files in Estuary, and see if you have the same issues.

As you always recommend, make sure to clear cache and reauth trakt etc first, then send another log.


Yep, sure will! Attempting the same things on Estuary was next on my checklist😊

Should I use the test version of Umbrella for this? Or the official one?

Thanks for the help!

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

Okay, going to re-open this one till you're good. Try the latest test version. It's cleared up a lot of errors caused by the changes made for colors by me. It's also got a couple bug fixes and some serious code changes for speed improvement in the addon overall.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Okay, going to re-open this one till you're good. Try the latest test version. It's cleared up a lot of errors caused by the changes made for colors by me. It's also got a couple bug fixes and some serious code changes for speed improvement in the addon overall.

Ok, I will try the latest test version in the morning. I was thinking/hoping that I acquired some issues from previously having the universal Trakt add on installed, as well as previously using Trakt Playback Manager, so I did a fresh install on my Fire Cube. Unfortunately, I was able to reproduce my own issue again. Here's the log:

I'll install the test repo in the morning, and I'll grab some logs from that version, if the issue persists. I'll try switching over to Estuary too.

Thank you so much for your patience with this!

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

The in-progress indicator did not change to a watched indicator on the first movie that I tested out on the test version of Umbrella. Here is the log:

The movie is marked as "watched" on my Trakt account, and the movie shows up in my "watched movies", but still has an in-progress indicator on it.imageimage

My "Watch Again" widget points to Umbrella > My Movies > History. As you can see from the pictures, the movie is marked as "watched", as it made it into my "history" section, and I'm given the opportunity to make it as unwatched from the context menu. However, the only way I'll be able to get the watched indicator on that movie is to perform a scrobble reset.

I'm going to test with Estuary now.

Update: everything worked perfectly as expected on the first movie I tried while using Estuary. Here's the log:

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

I've DM'd you in reddit, as to not spam this issue.

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

Here is my log I just had the same thing happen resumed a episode and despite it being 100% watched the in progress indicator remains. I resumed the episode via the umbrella finish watching episodes widget. Using fuse skin, Kodi 20.2, firecube 3rd gen. I am very close to my router and have 70mb download speed on this device while running a speed test. I don't use a VPN. Hope some of that information is helpful

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug @666jones

Because of @adamosborne83 and his brilliant idea to suggest stopping a video without using the remapped back button on my Shield remote, I was able to pinpoint this issue to the fact that Keymap editor and AH2 do not play nicely together. Not anymore, at least. When I used the stop button on the OSD screen, the in-progress indicators changed to watched indicators exactly as expected. Seeing as I've always used the official stop button on the OSD from time to time, it perfect sense why things were functioning normally for me, on occasion.

Thank you so much for everyone's help and patience in regards to this issue. You're a genius, @adamosborne83!😁

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug @666jones

Because of @adamosborne83 and his brilliant idea to suggest stopping a video without using the remapped back button on my Shield remote, I was able to pinpoint this issue to the fact that Keymap editor and AH2 do not play nicely together. Not anymore, at least. When I used the stop button on the OSD screen, the in-progress indicators changed to watched indicators exactly as expected. Seeing as I've always used the official stop button on the OSD from time to time, it perfect sense why things were functioning normally for me, on occasion.

Thank you so much for everyone's help and patience in regards to this issue. You're a genius, @adamosborne83!grin

I also have my back button remapped to stop the video however in my above log I actually let the episode complete 100% I didn't touch a back button at all and the resume point still remained

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug @666jones

Because of @adamosborne83 and his brilliant idea to suggest stopping a video without using the remapped back button on my Shield remote, I was able to pinpoint this issue to the fact that Keymap editor and AH2 do not play nicely together. Not anymore, at least. When I used the stop button on the OSD screen, the in-progress indicators changed to watched indicators exactly as expected. Seeing as I've always used the official stop button on the OSD from time to time, it perfect sense why things were functioning normally for me, on occasion.

Thank you so much for everyone's help and patience in regards to this issue. You're a genius, @adamosborne83!😁

Oh that is genius! Thanks @adamosborne83. See you can be helpful when you stop drinking and suggesting streamio.

All joking aside, I'm honestly impressed you all figured that one out.

My next bug hunt was going to be all around resuming and making watched so this helps lighten my workload a bit so I can keep working on the speed improvements.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug @666jones

Because of @adamosborne83 and his brilliant idea to suggest stopping a video without using the remapped back button on my Shield remote, I was able to pinpoint this issue to the fact that Keymap editor and AH2 do not play nicely together. Not anymore, at least. When I used the stop button on the OSD screen, the in-progress indicators changed to watched indicators exactly as expected. Seeing as I've always used the official stop button on the OSD from time to time, it perfect sense why things were functioning normally for me, on occasion.

Thank you so much for everyone's help and patience in regards to this issue. You're a genius, @adamosborne83!grin

I also have my back button remapped to stop the video however in my above log I actually let the episode complete 100% I didn't touch a back button at all and the resume point still remained

Did you create the resume point using your back button or the stop button? That aspect matters too, I believe. But it could also be a different issue.

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug @666jones

Because of @adamosborne83 and his brilliant idea to suggest stopping a video without using the remapped back button on my Shield remote, I was able to pinpoint this issue to the fact that Keymap editor and AH2 do not play nicely together. Not anymore, at least. When I used the stop button on the OSD screen, the in-progress indicators changed to watched indicators exactly as expected. Seeing as I've always used the official stop button on the OSD from time to time, it perfect sense why things were functioning normally for me, on occasion.

Thank you so much for everyone's help and patience in regards to this issue. You're a genius, @adamosborne83!grin

I also have my back button remapped to stop the video however in my above log I actually let the episode complete 100% I didn't touch a back button at all and the resume point still remained

Did you create the resume point using your back button or the stop button? That aspect matters too, I believe. But it could also be a different issue.

No but saying that the resume point was created when I skipped all the way to the end of the episode from about 70% in. It created a resume point

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

Try skipping to about 3 mins before the end of the show, let it play 30 seconds, then press stop in the OSD.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug @666jones

Because of @adamosborne83 and his brilliant idea to suggest stopping a video without using the remapped back button on my Shield remote, I was able to pinpoint this issue to the fact that Keymap editor and AH2 do not play nicely together. Not anymore, at least. When I used the stop button on the OSD screen, the in-progress indicators changed to watched indicators exactly as expected. Seeing as I've always used the official stop button on the OSD from time to time, it perfect sense why things were functioning normally for me, on occasion.

Thank you so much for everyone's help and patience in regards to this issue. You're a genius, @adamosborne83!grin

I also have my back button remapped to stop the video however in my above log I actually let the episode complete 100% I didn't touch a back button at all and the resume point still remained

Did you create the resume point using your back button or the stop button? That aspect matters too, I believe. But it could also be a different issue.

No but saying that the resume point was created when I skipped all the way to the end of the episode from about 70% in. It created a resume point

I understand, but the issue only resolved for me if I used the stop button on the OSD screen, at the time of pausing/stopping the video to create the resume point. Try this:

  1. Start any movie or episode

  2. Fast forward 5 minutes in

  3. Stop the movie or episode using the stop button on the OSD, and not your remapped remote button

  4. Resume the movie or episode from resume point that was created

  5. Fast forward to the credits of the movie/episode

  6. Either let the video finish playing naturally, or stop it using the OSD again

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

I just resumed the show skipped till it was near the end hit my return button and the resume point was removed. (Didn't use the OSD stop button) the two previous attempts I let the show completely end and hit no buttons at all and the resume point wasn't removed on these two occasions. So it seems like the stop or return button have little impact on weather this makes the resume point remain. If anything from my own experience it seems like it happens when the show completes on its own. I don't know tho very confusing.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

I just resumed the show skipped till it was near the end hit my return button and the resume point was removed. (Didn't use the OSD stop button)

Ok, my system is acting wonky again too. A bunch in-progress indicators just popped up on finished movies. Ugh!

I can 100% confirm that this doesn't happen on Estuary.

@adamosborne83 @666jones @umbrellaplug

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

Log please.

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

Log please.

Here is my new log of the resume point being removed:

Here is my old log where the resume point wasn't removed after the show completed on its own. (Two times in a row)

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

I swear that I’m done posting about this unless someone wants more info from me. Also, if I ever report a bug/issue again, I promise that I’ll gather a lot more evidence before I even mention anything about it. I genuinely apologize for speaking too soon about a lot of things. I’ve definitely learned a lot from all of this. I'm literally cringing over how annoying I've been🤦🏻‍♀️

These are all of the “clues” that I’ve picked up on:

  1. This issue does NOT happen while using Estuary
  2. If a resume point is created, the in-progress indicator doesn’t change to a watched indicator, once the movie/episode has been completely watched from the created resume point.
  3. The only ways to force the in-progress indicator to change to a watched indicator are to scrobble reset the item from Umbrella’s context menu, or to completely watch the movie episode for a second time, from the resume point that was originally created. Whether the OSD or a remapped key is used to stop playback doesn’t seem to be relevant.

Here are all of my logs that pertain to this issue, all in one place:





  5. (this is the one where Estuary was in use and everything worked as expected)



  8. (the in-progress indicator for "Return to Space" changed to a watched indicator as expected. It did not change as expected for other movies, such as "Funny People" and "14 Peaks")

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

I swear that I’m done posting about this unless someone wants more info from me. Also, if I ever report a bug/issue again, I promise that I’ll gather a lot more evidence before I even mention anything about it. I genuinely apologize for speaking too soon about a lot of things. I’ve definitely learned a lot from all of this. I'm literally cringing over how annoying I've been🤦🏻‍♀️

These are all of the “clues” that I’ve picked up on:

  1. This issue does NOT happen while using Estuary
  2. If a resume point is created, the in-progress indicator doesn’t change to a watched indicator, once the movie/episode has been completely watched from the created resume point.
  3. The only ways to force the in-progress indicator to change to a watched indicator are to scrobble reset the item from Umbrella’s context menu, or to completely watch the movie episode for a second time, from the resume point that was originally created. Whether the OSD or a remapped key is used to stop playback doesn’t seem to be relevant.

Here are all of my logs that pertain to this issue, all in one place:

  5. (this is the one where Estuary was in use and everything worked as expected)

You're harder on yourself than anyone. I've actually not been annoyed with your posts and comments so no worries. I've just pushed a new version of Umbrella to the test repo and should finally resolve the colors issue bullshit (sorry for making you set your colors over and over again) and a few playnext tweaks.

There are some things I'd like anyone running a test version to check out.

Playnext episode bug: I believe I have solved a bug where if you allow playnext to popup for the next episode but then hit stop (from a controller or x on the keyboard not the stop button on the playnext popup) and play a different show it still showed the episode that had been queued for playnext instead of whatever you selected. This should be resolved now. I've not been able to duplicate the issue with my latest version but I'd love some confirmation from anyone testing on this one.

Colors: It's no secret I've had a hell of a time with the colors lately. Without going into a stupid amount of detail, the way color selection and options for colors within the addon has been completely reworked about 3 times now. This latest update made changes to avoid an exception occurring within the darkColor function and to speed up accessing color values when displaying views by using the settings directly now. I'm looking to see if any speed improvements are showing from this and if the log stops showing the huge amount of exceptions like this for darkColor ValueError -> invalid literal for int() with base 16:''

Logging: Special logging has been added for playnext windows and marking items watched. If you're having trouble with one of these please turn on debug logging and send me a log afterwards so I can try to determine what might be causing the mark watched or playnext to not work correctly.

Although it may not seem like much, there are a HUGE amount of changes for speed improvement in this version. I would love general feedback for "it's faster, it's slower, or it's the same (wtf)"

As usual, thanks for the feedback and putting up with me pushing multiple versions to get all this stuff worked out.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

I swear that I’m done posting about this unless someone wants more info from me. Also, if I ever report a bug/issue again, I promise that I’ll gather a lot more evidence before I even mention anything about it. I genuinely apologize for speaking too soon about a lot of things. I’ve definitely learned a lot from all of this. I'm literally cringing over how annoying I've been🤦🏻‍♀️

These are all of the “clues” that I’ve picked up on:

  1. This issue does NOT happen while using Estuary

  2. If a resume point is created, the in-progress indicator doesn’t change to a watched indicator, once the movie/episode has been completely watched from the created resume point.

  3. The only ways to force the in-progress indicator to change to a watched indicator are to scrobble reset the item from Umbrella’s context menu, or to completely watch the movie episode for a second time, from the resume point that was originally created. Whether the OSD or a remapped key is used to stop playback doesn’t seem to be relevant.

Here are all of my logs that pertain to this issue, all in one place:





  5. (this is the one where Estuary was in use and everything worked as expected)



You're harder on yourself than anyone. I've actually not been annoyed with your posts and comments so no worries. I've just pushed a new version of Umbrella to the test repo and should finally resolve the colors issue bullshit (sorry for making you set your colors over and over again) and a few playnext tweaks.

There are some things I'd like anyone running a test version to check out.

Playnext episode bug: I believe I have solved a bug where if you allow playnext to popup for the next episode but then hit stop (from a controller or x on the keyboard not the stop button on the playnext popup) and play a different show it still showed the episode that had been queued for playnext instead of whatever you selected. This should be resolved now. I've not been able to duplicate the issue with my latest version but I'd love some confirmation from anyone testing on this one.

Colors: It's no secret I've had a hell of a time with the colors lately. Without going into a stupid amount of detail, the way color selection and options for colors within the addon has been completely reworked about 3 times now. This latest update made changes to avoid an exception occurring within the darkColor function and to speed up accessing color values when displaying views by using the settings directly now. I'm looking to see if any speed improvements are showing from this and if the log stops showing the huge amount of exceptions like this for darkColor ValueError -> invalid literal for int() with base 16:''

Logging: Special logging has been added for playnext windows and marking items watched. If you're having trouble with one of these please turn on debug logging and send me a log afterwards so I can try to determine what might be causing the mark watched or playnext to not work correctly.

Although it may not seem like much, there are a HUGE amount of changes for speed improvement in this version. I would love general feedback for "it's faster, it's slower, or it's the same (wtf)"

As usual, thanks for the feedback and putting up with me pushing multiple versions to get all this stuff worked out.

That's a relief. You truly have an insane amount of patience. Not sure if you're aware of that or not😜like, I can't believe that you are apologizing to us for having to set the colors over and over. You are far too kind.

I'm going to test out the newest version of Umbrella with Estuary later on this evening. Honestly though, I've been having NO issues, other than the one that this thread is about. Not even with AH2. I can't imagine that anything will come up on Estuary.

I did some binge watching on a device that doesn't have the test version of Umbrella installed, and I sure did miss not having to take any extra steps to start a new season. All of these new enhancements are amazing, and you're truly outdoing yourself. We really don't deserve you.

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug I've been testing out the up next popup functions on Umbrella while using AH2 skin. For the most part, everything is working as expected, but I've had a couple of instances of episodes not playing, after I selected "watch" on the popup. Instead, I was taken back to the list of episodes. Here's a log:

Also, I've noticed that quite a few shows have subtitles right up until the very last second of every episode. In those instances, the up next popup only displays for a split second, or sometimes not at all. Would it be possible to implement a setting/feature that forces the alternative method for when to initiate the popup, such as "seconds remaining", in those particular instances? Probably a long shot, but I just thought I'd mention it.

I'll post some more logs later, when I switch over to Estuary. Let me know if you prefer me to post them somewhere other than here. Lol.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

Turns out that how you stop the video doesn't actually play a factor. I do think the skin plays a factor, though. To reproduce the issue:

  1. Switch to AH2 skin
  2. Play a movie long enough to create a resume point, or force one to be created by fast forwarding
  3. Resume the movie from the resume point that was created
  4. Either finish playing the movie, or fast forward it enough to be marked as "watched"
  5. Check and see if the completed movie has an in progress indicator or a watched indicator

Since this is one of those issues that isn't particularly consistent, it would probably make sense to repeat those steps on several different movies.

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug I've been testing out the up next popup functions on Umbrella. For the most part, everything is working as expected, but I've had a couple of instances of episodes not playing, after I selected "watch" on the popup. Instead, I was taken back to the list of episodes. Here's a log:

Also, I've noticed that quite a few shows have subtitles right up until the very last second of every episode. In those instances, the up next popup only displays for a split second, or sometimes not at all. Would it be possible to implement a setting/feature that forces the alternative method for when to initiate the popup, such as "seconds remaining", in those particular instances? Probably a long shot, but I just thought I'd mention it.

I'll post some more logs later, when I switch over to Estuary. Let me know if you prefer me to post them somewhere other than here. Lol.

Yes, I've been thinking about this possibility also. I'm thinking of setting a hard limit of 30 seconds. Basically just putting a condition in that if the last subtitle time is less than 30 seconds of the remaining time to default to 30 seconds.

I'm also thinking I need to stupid-proof the marking as watched also. I'm thinking some are setting their playnext times to be less than what the default marked watched percentage of 85% is. In other words.. it's marked watched at 85% but 85% is 1:00 minute remaining, but I've got my playnext set for 1:30. Playnext popup may be happening and going to next episode before they hit the 85% to mark as watched. I'm thinking I can write some code in to mark watched if they use the play button and catch it, but I'll need to do some testing. Whole point being, yes... I'm seeing these things and something can be done about them. I'll once again add some logging in for the resume points so I can see what is being passed and returned and maybe get a little clarity on what might be happening.

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

I have something to add to what omarscomin has mentioned. I seem to only ever have this happen on episodes. Movie resume points are always removed after I finish the movie. However omarscomin seems to have this happen on both movies and shows. Also I very rarely have this happen and it's a pain to try and reproduce as it doesn't always happen.

What id suggest is going to your in-progress (finish watching) episodes resume one let the show completely finish on its own and see if it's resume point is removed. (You can fast forward near the end) but rather then exiting out of the stream just let it complete and close on its own.

Using a return button in fact removed the resume point for myself but letting the show 100% complete on its own did not remove the resume point this happened twice in a row. So I personally think using a stop or return button doesn't cause this issue.

Also just a thought but me and omarscomin seem to use Kodi alot could we be hitting some king of api request limit or something that causes this to happen?

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....) Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

I have something to add to what omarscomin has mentioned. I seem to only ever have this happen on episodes. Movie resume points are always removed after I finish the movie. However omarscomin seems to have this happen on both movies and shows. Also I very rarely have this happen and it's a pain to try and reproduce as it doesn't always happen.

What id suggest is going to your in-progress (finish watching) episodes resume one let the show completely finish on its own and see if it's resume point is removed.

Using a return button in fact removed the resume point for myself but letting the show 100% complete on its own did not remove the resume point this happened twice in a row. So I personally think using a stop or return button doesn't cause this issue.

Also just a thought but me and omarscomin seem to use Kodi alot could we be hitting some king of api request limit or something that causes this to happen?

You guys actually may be onto something more than you realize with the stop or back buttons. Kodi has something called a callback for events that we can listen for. An obvious callback event the addon listens for is playbackStopped. When a video is stopped certain actions are taken, like marking watched, saving resume points. I just dealt with playnext giving me hell yesterday because depending on where you hit the stop button osd or keyboard it called a different callback. Apparently under certain cirumstances playbackEnded is called instead of playbackStopped. I'll compare the two callbacks in Umbrella, but I know already they are not doing the same functions. This could easily be part of the issue here. I'll check it out.

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

@umbrellaplug I've been testing out the up next popup functions on Umbrella. For the most part, everything is working as expected, but I've had a couple of instances of episodes not playing, after I selected "watch" on the popup. Instead, I was taken back to the list of episodes. Here's a log: Also, I've noticed that quite a few shows have subtitles right up until the very last second of every episode. In those instances, the up next popup only displays for a split second, or sometimes not at all. Would it be possible to implement a setting/feature that forces the alternative method for when to initiate the popup, such as "seconds remaining", in those particular instances? Probably a long shot, but I just thought I'd mention it. I'll post some more logs later, when I switch over to Estuary. Let me know if you prefer me to post them somewhere other than here. Lol.

Yes, I've been thinking about this possibility also. I'm thinking of setting a hard limit of 30 seconds. Basically just putting a condition in that if the last subtitle time is less than 30 seconds of the remaining time to default to 30 seconds.

I'm also thinking I need to stupid-proof the marking as watched also. I'm thinking some are setting their playnext times to be less than what the default marked watched percentage of 85% is. In other words.. it's marked watched at 85% but 85% is 1:00 minute remaining, but I've got my playnext set for 1:30. Playnext popup may be happening and going to next episode before they hit the 85% to mark as watched. I'm thinking I can write some code in to mark watched if they use the play button and catch it, but I'll need to do some testing. Whole point being, yes... I'm seeing these things and something can be done about them. I'll once again add some logging in for the resume points so I can see what is being passed and returned and maybe get a little clarity on what might be happening.

I just want to mention that when this happened I didn't even get a playnext popup so I definitely didn't end the video before my mark as watched % what is set at 90% and my playnext is set to show when subtitles end or 96% complete or I possibly had it set as show the playnext popup at 60 seconds. I'm not 100% sure what my settings was at the time as I have been changing between them when testings

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

I don't know if you looked at the two logs I posted earlier. But one mentions this.

[2023-08-10 11:33:47] [ DEBUG ]: From func name: resources.lib.modules.trakt.scrobbleReset() Line # :1404 msg : Failed to Remove Trakt Playback Progress: American Dad! - S18E02 with resume_id=1012877118 [2023-08-10 11:33:47] [ DEBUG ]: onAVStarted callback

Ino you have had a ton to look at, read and work on so just thought id post this incase you was overwhelmed with logs and messages and it slipped by you

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

I have something to add to what omarscomin has mentioned. I seem to only ever have this happen on episodes. Movie resume points are always removed after I finish the movie. However omarscomin seems to have this happen on both movies and shows. Also I very rarely have this happen and it's a pain to try and reproduce as it doesn't always happen.

What id suggest is going to your in-progress (finish watching) episodes resume one let the show completely finish on its own and see if it's resume point is removed.

Using a return button in fact removed the resume point for myself but letting the show 100% complete on its own did not remove the resume point this happened twice in a row. So I personally think using a stop or return button doesn't cause this issue.

Also just a thought but me and omarscomin seem to use Kodi alot could we be hitting some king of api request limit or something that causes this to happen?

You guys actually may be onto something more than you realize with the stop or back buttons. Kodi has something called a callback for events that we can listen for. An obvious callback event the addon listens for is playbackStopped. When a video is stopped certain actions are taken, like marking watched, saving resume points. I just dealt with playnext giving me hell yesterday because depending on where you hit the stop button osd or keyboard it called a different callback. Apparently under certain cirumstances playbackEnded is called instead of playbackStopped. I'll compare the two callbacks in Umbrella, but I know already they are not doing the same functions. This could easily be part of the issue here. I'll check it out.

All I know is this doesn't happen on Estuary or FENtastic, no matter how I stop the video. I use the remote 9.9 times out of 10, on any skin I use. I use FENtastic just as often as I use AH2, but AH2 is the only skin that I have this issue with.

That said, for as often as I use Kodi, I'm actually not much of a "resumer", if you will. When I don't finish a movie/episode, I usually either start it over, or I give up on it altogether. I rarely use resume points, but when I do, this is what happens, nearly every time. Lol.

It used to not be a problem at all. Everything used to resume and get marked as watched just as expected. I did a fresh install last night, and I was flabbergasted that the issue remained after that.

SJ1O commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

I have something to add to what omarscomin has mentioned. I seem to only ever have this happen on episodes. Movie resume points are always removed after I finish the movie. However omarscomin seems to have this happen on both movies and shows. Also I very rarely have this happen and it's a pain to try and reproduce as it doesn't always happen.

What id suggest is going to your in-progress (finish watching) episodes resume one let the show completely finish on its own and see if it's resume point is removed.

Using a return button in fact removed the resume point for myself but letting the show 100% complete on its own did not remove the resume point this happened twice in a row. So I personally think using a stop or return button doesn't cause this issue.

Also just a thought but me and omarscomin seem to use Kodi alot could we be hitting some king of api request limit or something that causes this to happen?

You guys actually may be onto something more than you realize with the stop or back buttons. Kodi has something called a callback for events that we can listen for. An obvious callback event the addon listens for is playbackStopped. When a video is stopped certain actions are taken, like marking watched, saving resume points. I just dealt with playnext giving me hell yesterday because depending on where you hit the stop button osd or keyboard it called a different callback. Apparently under certain cirumstances playbackEnded is called instead of playbackStopped. I'll compare the two callbacks in Umbrella, but I know already they are not doing the same functions. This could easily be part of the issue here. I'll check it out.

All I know is this doesn't happen on Estuary or FENtastic, no matter how I stop the video. I use the remote 9.9 times out of 10, on any skin I use. I use FENtastic just as often as I use AH2, but AH2 is the only skin that I have this issue with.

That said, for as often as I use Kodi, I'm actually not much of a "resumer", if you will. When I don't finish a movie/episode, I usually either start it over, or I give up on it altogether. I rarely use resume points, but when I do, this is what happens, nearly every time. Lol.

It used to not be a problem at all. Everything used to resume and get marked as watched just as expected. I did a fresh install last night, and I was flabbergasted that the issue remained after that.

I never used estuary skin so can't comment there but I had this happen on titan bingie mod and arctic fuse

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

I have something to add to what omarscomin has mentioned. I seem to only ever have this happen on episodes. Movie resume points are always removed after I finish the movie. However omarscomin seems to have this happen on both movies and shows. Also I very rarely have this happen and it's a pain to try and reproduce as it doesn't always happen.

What id suggest is going to your in-progress (finish watching) episodes resume one let the show completely finish on its own and see if it's resume point is removed.

Using a return button in fact removed the resume point for myself but letting the show 100% complete on its own did not remove the resume point this happened twice in a row. So I personally think using a stop or return button doesn't cause this issue.

Also just a thought but me and omarscomin seem to use Kodi alot could we be hitting some king of api request limit or something that causes this to happen?

You guys actually may be onto something more than you realize with the stop or back buttons. Kodi has something called a callback for events that we can listen for. An obvious callback event the addon listens for is playbackStopped. When a video is stopped certain actions are taken, like marking watched, saving resume points. I just dealt with playnext giving me hell yesterday because depending on where you hit the stop button osd or keyboard it called a different callback. Apparently under certain cirumstances playbackEnded is called instead of playbackStopped. I'll compare the two callbacks in Umbrella, but I know already they are not doing the same functions. This could easily be part of the issue here. I'll check it out.

All I know is this doesn't happen on Estuary or FENtastic, no matter how I stop the video. I use the remote 9.9 times out of 10, on any skin I use. I use FENtastic just as often as I use AH2, but AH2 is the only skin that I have this issue with.

That said, for as often as I use Kodi, I'm actually not much of a "resumer", if you will. When I don't finish a movie/episode, I usually either start it over, or I give up on it altogether. I rarely use resume points, but when I do, this is what happens, nearly every time. Lol.

It used to not be a problem at all. Everything used to resume and get marked as watched just as expected. I did a fresh install last night, and I was flabbergasted that the issue remained after that.

I never used estuary skin so can't comment there but I had this happen on titan bingie mod and arctic fuse

I was today years old when I realized exactly why most add on developers loathe skins so much.

Fun fact: just had an instance of Estuary failing to remove a in-progress indicator too🤦🏻‍♀️😂man oh man, what a day😮‍💨can't believe @umbrellaplug does this shit for funsies......

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

I don't know if you looked at the two logs I posted earlier. But one mentions this.

[2023-08-10 11:33:47] [ DEBUG ]: From func name: resources.lib.modules.trakt.scrobbleReset() Line # :1404 msg : Failed to Remove Trakt Playback Progress: American Dad! - S18E02 with resume_id=1012877118 [2023-08-10 11:33:47] [ DEBUG ]: onAVStarted callback

Ino you have had a ton to look at, read and work on so just thought id post this incase you was overwhelmed with logs and messages and it slipped by you

Yeah, I'm working my way down the comments and logs. I did notice this. Also a failure for Dead to Me S02E01. The resume information is coming from another trakt function that gets the information from bookmarks.db. This is created by the addon and updated when the trakt sync function occurs in the background.

Per my usual response here. I'll add some logging to test version. Try to duplicate on mine. If I can, great... I can try to fix it. If I can't, then I'll need to push that test version out for those having issues to try.

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

can't believe @umbrellaplug does this shit for funsies......

lol. Now you understand why I'm not on reddit much these days. We joke, but seriously I get some really entitled jerks often demanding things and expecting me to fix things without the slightest bit of troubleshooting or logs. My only other tester @adamosborne83 does a good job reporting issues most of the time. I appreciate the fact you all just want the addon to work better and are asking for things and putting in the work to get the logs and help me track down the issues. People forget, I'm just one person. There's not a team of people working on this, so help with troubleshooting and identifying issues is a big help even if it feels like you're just "bitching". Hopefully I can get this test version to a point of release soon so everyone can get the fixed colors, new features, and improved speed.

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

I need to get paid for this shit, might start a Ko Fi

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago


Just got done testing out the latest Umbrella update with Estuary.

Other than the damn watched indicators not displaying correctly, everything was flawless.

The up next popup always displayed at the correct times, and all 3 of the options on the popup performed their expected function.

The popup continued to display as expected on season finales. I had no issues with ending a season and beginning a new one.

I switched back and forth between multiple different tv shows and movies, and the correct content always played immediately. The player did not attempt to pick up where I last left off on a tv series.

Here's the log, which has multiple instances of the issue that I posted about:

Amazing work with this update. Thank you so much. I will continue using it with AH2 today, and I'll report back if I have any issues.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

I need to get paid for this shit, might start a Ko Fi


mirtim1 commented 10 months ago

Umbrellaplug, you are appreciated. I have been quietly watching these conversations and I am impressed with how hard you are working to improve your awesome add-on. Thank You


On Aug 10, 2023, at 4:34 PM, umbrellaplug @.***> wrote:

can't believe @umbrellaplug does this shit for funsies......

lol. Now you understand why I'm not on reddit much these days. We joke, but seriously I get some really entitled jerks often demanding things and expecting me to fix things without the slightest bit of troubleshooting or logs. My only other tester @adamosborne83 does a good job reporting issues most of the time. I appreciate the fact you all just want the addon to work better and are asking for things and putting in the work to get the logs and help me track down the issues. People forget, I'm just one person. There's not a team of people working on this, so help with troubleshooting and identifying issues is a big help even if it feels like you're just "bitching". Hopefully I can get this test version to a point of release soon so everyone can get the fixed colors, new features, and improved speed.

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Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

can't believe @umbrellaplug does this shit for funsies......

lol. Now you understand why I'm not on reddit much these days. We joke, but seriously I get some really entitled jerks often demanding things and expecting me to fix things without the slightest bit of troubleshooting or logs. My only other tester @adamosborne83 does a good job reporting issues most of the time. I appreciate the fact you all just want the addon to work better and are asking for things and putting in the work to get the logs and help me track down the issues. People forget, I'm just one person. There's not a team of people working on this, so help with troubleshooting and identifying issues is a big help even if it feels like you're just "bitching". Hopefully I can get this test version to a point of release soon so everyone can get the fixed colors, new features, and improved speed.

I hate that you have to deal with so many assholes, but I'm really glad you understand that we aren't bitching. I really do just want to help. I'm stuck in bed most days, and shit like this gives me something to do that actually puts my brain to work a little bit. I'm not even particularly bothered by the issue that I posted about. The only reason it bothers me is because I like to know and understand why things are happening, and I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Lol. But I'm so used to doing the "work arounds" that I've implemented, to get around the bugs, that I'll probably be thrown for a loop if the issue ever gets fixed. I'm a creature of habit, and resetting all of my scrobbles is what I'm used to doing, at this point🤷🏻‍♀️😅

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago


Just got done testing out the latest Umbrella update with Estuary.

Other than the damn watched indicators not displaying correctly, everything was flawless.

The up next popup always displayed at the correct times, and all 3 of the options on the popup performed their expected function.

The popup continued to display as expected on season finales. I had no issues with ending a season and beginning a new one.

I switched back and forth between multiple different tv shows and movies, and the correct content always played immediately. The player did not attempt to pick up where I last left off on a tv series.

Here's the log, which has multiple instances of the issue that I posted about:

Amazing work with this update. Thank you so much. I will continue using it with AH2 today, and I'll report back if I have any issues.

2023-08-10 14:26:08.860 T:11305   error <general>: [ ERROR ]: From func name: /resources/lib/menus/ Line # :1221
                                                                          msg : KeyError -> 'episode'

I'll keep trying to duplicate.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago


Just got done testing out the latest Umbrella update with Estuary.

Other than the damn watched indicators not displaying correctly, everything was flawless.

The up next popup always displayed at the correct times, and all 3 of the options on the popup performed their expected function.

The popup continued to display as expected on season finales. I had no issues with ending a season and beginning a new one.

I switched back and forth between multiple different tv shows and movies, and the correct content always played immediately. The player did not attempt to pick up where I last left off on a tv series.

Here's the log, which has multiple instances of the issue that I posted about:

Amazing work with this update. Thank you so much. I will continue using it with AH2 today, and I'll report back if I have any issues.

2023-08-10 14:26:08.860 T:11305   error <general>: [ ERROR ]: From func name: /resources/lib/menus/ Line # :1221

                                                                          msg : KeyError -> 'episode'

I'll keep trying to duplicate.

Awesome, thank you so much!

I just experienced another instance of being brought back to the list of seasons/episodes after selecting "watch now" on the up next popup. I grabbed a log for you, just in case you want to check it out:

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....) Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

Turns out that how you stop the video doesn't actually play a factor. I do think the skin plays a factor, though. To reproduce the issue:

  1. Switch to AH2 skin
  2. Play a movie long enough to create a resume point, or force one to be created by fast forwarding
  3. Resume the movie from the resume point that was created
  4. Either finish playing the movie, or fast forward it enough to be marked as "watched"
  5. Check and see if the completed movie has an in progress indicator or a watched indicator

Since this is one of those issues that isn't particularly consistent, it would probably make sense to repeat those steps on several different movies.

Are you playing this from a widget or from the addon?

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Okay, I've tried to read through this and so far it looks like watched indicators aren't working sometimes on certain skins based on how you stop a video? (holy shit....)

Can anyone provide me with some simple steps to re-produce and I'll see if I can figure out what's up?

Turns out that how you stop the video doesn't actually play a factor. I do think the skin plays a factor, though. To reproduce the issue:

  1. Switch to AH2 skin

  2. Play a movie long enough to create a resume point, or force one to be created by fast forwarding

  3. Resume the movie from the resume point that was created

  4. Either finish playing the movie, or fast forward it enough to be marked as "watched"

  5. Check and see if the completed movie has an in progress indicator or a watched indicator

Since this is one of those issues that isn't particularly consistent, it would probably make sense to repeat those steps on several different movies.

Are you playing this from a widget or from the addon?

On AH2, I'm playing from widgets, and on Estuary I'm playing directly from Umbrella. It's happening on both skins now.

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

Round 47. I've added some more logging. I'm trying to duplicate here as well still. I need to go through the process of downloading and setting up ah2. I've pushed a new test version that has the fall back for subtitle playnext at 20 seconds in case the last subtitle is at the very end. oh and I converted 17 instances in the player module of "getSetting" to 1 call to getSetting. Should improve speed more.

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago

Round 47. I've added some more logging. I'm trying to duplicate here as well still. I need to go through the process of downloading and setting up ah2. I've pushed a new test version that has the fall back for subtitle playnext at 20 seconds in case the last subtitle is at the very end. oh and I converted 17 instances in the player module of "getSetting" to 1 call to getSetting. Should improve speed more.

Sounds good, thanks! I'll get the latest text version installed.

Selecting "watch" from the up next popup is starting to fail me more and more often. Here's another log from another instance of it failing to function right:

Omarscomin commented 10 months ago


The test repo won't update on my end

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago


The test repo won't update on my end

Well shiiiiiit. I'll check it out.