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[BUG] resolving popup window formating #315

Closed saxoloman closed 10 months ago

saxoloman commented 10 months ago


When selecting link for movie or tv show there is little popup with link selected and movie poster. They look very wrong on my end.image is stretched out and filename is badly placed.

Expected Result

For poster image to not be streched And filename to be centered

Steps To Reproduce

Play movie Select link Look at the popup

Kodi Version, Type of Device, Logs, Screenshots, and Additional Info

Coreelec 20.3 latest nightly AH2 skin IMG_20230815_102051

Kodi log

Umbrela log with debuging didnt show anything

This started happening as soon as you introduced this feature i just didnt want to bother you with it at the time.


SJ1O commented 10 months ago

You could try going into umbrella settings - general - use custom umbrella dialogues - unselect this. And if you want it to be full screen you can go into umbrella - settings - source options - progress dialog (scraping and resolving) and select fullscreen or hide it completely. You can also choose to include artwork for background. Full screen with umbrella dialogs turned off with artwork as background will look like this. 20230815_095829

saxoloman commented 10 months ago

@666jones Thats one way around it,this completely eliminates my issue. Thank you

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

That's not a bug. You just don't like how it looks.

Insulting my work. SMH

I'll change the art size. I was using the same size as the qr code images because it was less code to stuff either image into the same size box but I can adjust that.

The text is just whatever the resolving link name is. Might change that to something else.

saxoloman commented 10 months ago

Im sorry,but it does look like a bug. I didnt mean to insult you i have big respect for your work even if it looks hideous 🤫

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

Im sorry,but it does look like a bug. I didnt mean to insult you i have big respect for your work even if it looks hideous 🤫

Please Umbrella, sort this. The last line alone makes it worth while LMFAO

umbrellaplug commented 10 months ago

Since you both shit talked the way it looked before. **Edited to remove picture*** Try the latest test version and see if it's still hideous. lmao

adamosborne83 commented 10 months ago

Since you both shit talked the way it looked before. **Edited to remove picture*** Try the latest test version and see if it's still hideous. lmao

Looks really good..... who did it?

saxoloman commented 10 months ago

Since you both shit talked the way it looked before. **Edited to remove picture*** Try the latest test version and see if it's still hideous. lmao

This is the way. Thank you very much,it looks perfect now .