2024-03-22T05:19:31.30099753Z stderr F Quitting from lines 1415-1445 [fusions_and_manta_data_prep] (rnasum.Rmd)
2024-03-22T05:19:31.360151188Z stderr F Error in `dplyr::bind_rows()`:
2024-03-22T05:19:31.360168787Z stderr F ! Can't combine `..1$SR` <character> and `..2$SR` <integer>.
2024-03-22T05:19:31.360173672Z stderr F Backtrace:
2024-03-22T05:19:31.360178572Z stderr F 1. RNAsum::manta_process(sample_data.list[["wgs"]][["manta_tsv"]])
2024-03-22T05:19:31.360183281Z stderr F 2. dplyr::bind_rows(fus, nofus)
2024-03-22T05:19:31.361852134Z stderr F Execution halted
Issue happens because we're trying to bind an empty tibble (with all character columns) with another tibble with heterogeneous columns. Fix is to turn the empty tibble to NULL which gets ignored in dplyr::bind_rows.
See Slack: https://umccr.slack.com/archives/C04F5SMUH8C/p1711087566816789
Issue happens because we're trying to bind an empty tibble (with all character columns) with another tibble with heterogeneous columns. Fix is to turn the empty tibble to NULL which gets ignored in