umccr / dracarys

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How does Dracarys specify a column type? #90

Open alexiswl opened 1 year ago

alexiswl commented 1 year ago

I ran the following command

Rscript "process-gds-file-with-dracarys.R" \
  --out-dir /path/to/tempdir \
   --file-prefix "multiqc_data" \
   --file-type "MultiqcFile" \
   --presigned-url "presigned_url"

Where the script takes in a presigned url and writes out a parquet file using the arrow library.

I moved away from csv in the hope that parquet would retain the data type, however I've noticed a lot of the values that should be ints are floats. Is this something that dracarys sets?

If I read this parquet file back into python with

df_pd = pd.read_parquet(

# Show an example column that should be an int
0    0.0
1    0.0
Name: reads_qcfail_dragen, dtype: float64

I would expect this column to be an int, rather than a float?

Process gds-file-with dracarys.R

Click to show script ```Rscript #!/usr/bin/env Rscript # Load libraries library("optparse") library("logger") suppressMessages(library("tidyverse")) library("dracarys") library("glue") library("arrow") # Functions read_object <- function(dr_func_obj, data_type){ objp_read <- dr_func_obj$read() if (data_type == 'TsoSampleAnalysisResultsFile'){ # Does not return a tibble but a list of items # "sample_info" # "software_config" # "biomarkers" # "qc" # "snvs" # "cnvs" sample_id <- objp_read$sample_info %>% dplyr::pull(sampleId) return( list( "TsoQc" = ( objp_read$qc %>% dplyr::mutate(sample_id = sample_id) ), "TsoSnvs" = ( objp_read$snvs %>% dplyr::mutate(sample_id = sample_id) ), "TsoCnvs" = ( objp_read$cnvs %>% dplyr::mutate(sample_id = sample_id) ) ) ) } else { # Return as a named list with the data type as the single name return_list <- list() return_list[[data_type]] <- objp_read return( return_list ) } } # Get args parser <- OptionParser(formatter=IndentedHelpFormatter) # We write to an output directory since there may be may files output by Dracarys for the one file # i.e SampleAnalysisResultsJson spits out multiple files parser <- add_option(parser, "--out-dir", help="Output Directory") parser <- add_option(parser, "--file-prefix", help="Filename prefix") parser <- add_option(parser, "--presigned-url", help="Presigned URL to File") parser <- add_option(parser, "--file-type", help="FileType to Collect") # Read args opt = parse_args(parser); # Checks # Check parameters are defined if (is.null(opt[['out-dir']])){ logger::log_error("Please specify --out-dir parameter") print_help(parser) quit(status=1) } if (is.null(opt[['file-prefix']])){ logger::log_error("Please specify --file-prefix parameter") print_help(parser) quit(status=1) } if (is.null(opt[['presigned-url']])){ logger::log_error("Please specify --presigned-url parameter") print_help(parser) quit(status=1) } if (is.null(opt[['file-type']])){ logger::log_error("Please specify --file-type parameter") print_help(parser) quit(status=1) } # Check parent directory of output option exist if (!dir.exists(opt[['out-dir']])){ logger::log_error(glue("Please ensure {opt[['out-dir']]} exists and try again")) quit(status=1) } # Check access token if (Sys.getenv("ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN", "") == ""){ logger::log_error("Could not get ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN from env var") quit(status=1) } # Get function function_name <- dracarys:::dr_func_eval(opt[["file-type"]]) # Generate data object from presigned url data_obj <- function_name$new(opt[['presigned-url']]) # Read in object data_obj_list <- read_object(data_obj, opt[["file-type"]]) # Iterate over object list # Write to csv for each for (data_type in names(data_obj_list)) { # Get object from list data_obj_tbl <- data_obj_list[[data_type]] # Output file name output_file_name <- file.path( opt[['out-dir']], paste0(opt[['file-prefix']], "__", data_type, ".parquet") ) # Write out to csv logger::log_info(glue("Writing out to parquet {output_file_name}")) arrow::write_parquet(data_obj_tbl, sink = output_file_name) logger::log_info("Writing output successful") } ```
alexiswl commented 1 year ago

Leaving this for now, I think this might be a multiqc issue too, and so long as its consistent this won't be an issue.

Only concern is when parquet / pandas decides a number is an int32 (over int64).

All int32s are converted to int64s before loading into Databricks.

brainstorm commented 1 year ago

As discussed earlier about parquet (see point 3), and elsewhere in meetings I think it's very important to get the data types right, as upstream as possible... and Dracarys should be the right abstraction level for that to happen (and defined explicitly in the destination schema) if we cannot incorporate those changes further upstream (i.e MultiQC), IMO.

What's you current take on that, @pdiakumis?

/cc @reisingerf @victorskl