umccr / holmes

BAM fingerprint stack
MIT License
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Date of sequencing is based on "last modified" which is not necessarily when the sequencing happened #32

Open andrewpatto opened 5 months ago

andrewpatto commented 5 months ago

I was using the LastModified time (i.e. creation time) for "date of sequencing". However, I realise now that for instance if we move the fingerprints around or rename them or anything like that - we lose the actual date of sequencing.

andrewpatto commented 5 months ago

I've added a new metadata field called "sequencing-date" that records when the fingerprint was originally created from the BAM. HOWEVER - when doing a ListObjects to list out the fingerprints - we only get the LastModified date and not the metadata. So we'd need to do a HeadObject on every object (thousands?) to get the real sequencing date.

Given we don't really use the sequencing date for much - I am currently just setting the metadata. Not actually using it yet.