umd-lhcb / lhcb-ntuples-gen

ntuples generation with DaVinci and in-house offline components
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Add a "prot" skim for Lambda_b study #113

Open yipengsun opened 2 years ago

yipengsun commented 2 years ago

@Svende Let's track our prot skim for Lambda_b progress in this issue.

Project initialization and/or update

Note that the skim cuts are defined in this repo, NOT in rdx-run2-analysis, so:

If you don't have this project locally, first clone the project (skipping git-annex setup for now until Mon):

git clone

Make sure to use the git@ protocol, NOT HTTPS.

Then, try a pull the latest code with the follow sequence and see if there's merge conflicts (there shouldn't be)

git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
nix develop

In the resulting shell, type:

make install-dep

(Same sequence also documented at

If the steps above works, you can start to identify the cuts required for this prot skim, and you can put those cuts in

As a separate skim cut function, say FLAG_PROT. Once that is done, I can integrate that into our workflow.

Running over a small test sample

First, synchronize with annex repo:

git annex sync

Now, get required ntuples for small-scale testing (running this on the project root of lhcb-ntuples-gen):

git annex get ntuples/0.9.6-2016_production/Dst_D0-std/Dst_D0--22_02_07--std--LHCb_Collision16_Beam6500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown_Real_Data_Reco16_Stripping28r2_90000000_SEMILEPTONIC.DST/Dst_D0--22_02_07--std--LHCb_Collision16_Beam6500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown_Real_Data_Reco16_Stripping28r2_90000000_SEMILEPTONIC.DST--000-*.root

Now, go into nix shell with nix develop, then run:

make rdx-ntuple-run2-data-demo

The generated ntuple will be in gen/rdx-ntuple-run2-data-demo/ntuple

yipengsun commented 2 years ago

Svende's having problems on install Python dependencies. I think this must have something to do with ipyopt and nlopt not available on macOS.

I'll find a way to disable these optional dependencies.

yipengsun commented 2 years ago


CoffeeIntoScience commented 1 year ago

For his study on the Proton sample Greg added a cut at the last minute for P > (threshold for protons in C4F10... I think 17.7 GeV?). I think it's definitely the right idea, and clearly cleans out the B_s-> D_s** [->DK]munu background this sample has by default (due to low-momentum K vs p decisions being ambiguous). But I think Greg's is more aggressive than needed

If you do p > 9.3 GeV (or just p > 10 GeV), then you will have the track above the Kaon threshold so that you have a definite bit of veto information from RICH1 (anything with associated cherenkov photons is a K, pi, mu or e, and not a p), which the NNp should definitely be good at latching on to