If I'm reading right, this is the mcWeight leaf from the tuple. The mcWeight as calculated in the step1 script is obsolete and it's not even clear to me if the parameters used are even reasonable.
Consider using the calculation here. The conditionals are for allowing the muon pid subsample to be selected, i.e., without the uBDT cut, with the uBDT cut, or with the inverted uBDT cut
If I'm reading right, this is the mcWeight leaf from the tuple. The mcWeight as calculated in the step1 script is obsolete and it's not even clear to me if the parameters used are even reasonable.
Consider using the calculation here. The conditionals are for allowing the muon pid subsample to be selected, i.e., without the uBDT cut, with the uBDT cut, or with the inverted uBDT cut
In addition, the proper variable to use for the smeared MC fit variables is XXsmearG, or XXsmearres.
I'll keep looking for any other cases of obsolete/deprecated variables
Happy plotting!