umigv / goat

Codebase for the GOAT
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Costmap layer integration with lane detector #296

Closed Gregory-Meyer closed 6 years ago

Gregory-Meyer commented 6 years ago

Write software to interface lane detection code with a costmap pluginlib layer. This class should provide a member function with the following declaration:

class A {
    void f(const goat_msgs::PointArrayStamped::ConstPtr &points);

goat_msgs/PointArrayStamped shall be defined as such and placed within a goat_msgs repository on GitHub.

Raw Definition

# represents an unordered set of points in space, lighter weight than sensor_msgs/PointCloud2

Header header
geometry_msgs/Point[] points

Compact Definition

std_msgs/Header header
geometry_msgs/Point[] points

Each of the points in the input vector shall be sank down to z = 0 and the corresponding costmap pixel(s) set to occupied. The points shall be in reference to the "camera" frame, which is the left lens of the ZED Camera with axis aligned with the robot's.

Gregory-Meyer commented 6 years ago

goat_msgs repository completed with PointArrayStamped message type.