Open yesuanzao opened 7 years ago
u can try webpack2+system.import instead of require.ensure.but if u use CommonsChunkPlugin and ExtractTextPlugin to bundle that will have a problem with antd's i use style-loader.
不知道是否是ExtractTextPlugin的使用问题,我在切片之后也碰到了这样的问题,所有的chunk文件内都重复包含了页面中使用的antd组件样式 ExtractTextPlugin有个配置项是allChunk, 官方说明: Extract from all additional chunks too (by default it extracts only from the initial chunk(s)) 我当时通过设置new ExtractTextPlugin('common.css', { allChunks: true });解决了这个问题
@yesuanzao I've encounted the same problem, seems to be an issue with CommonTrunksPlugin & code splitting:
The CommonsChunkPlugin is only meant to be used on entry chunks.
我也遇到了同样的问题,似乎跟 CommonTrunksPlugin
和 代码切片不兼容有关。
@nalantianyi webpack 2 now recommends using import()
over System.import()
@dickeylth 我不认为是这个问题,在我的第二张图中,没有使用babel-plugin-import,而是全部引入antd,打包结果是符合预期的。 @hpcplus2 你提到的是样式部分,但这里是js代码重复打包在各个chunk中。
Are we making any progress on this issue?
我也遇到这个问题。 这个问题就这样没结果了?
这个问题是 CommonsChunkPlugin
插件的问题,和 babel-plugin-import
插件无关. 下面的配置可以把异步模块里的公共模块提取到父模块里(我还没有找到提取到单独chunk里的方案).
entry: {
client: ['babel-polyfill', './src/client.js']
// ......
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'client', // same with entry key
children: true,
deepChildren: true,
async: true,
minChunks: module =>
/node_modules/.test(module.resource) &&
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'manifest'
// ......
I'm using code-spliting, I expect antd will be bundled to commonChunks instead of everywhere
in the condition of babel-plugin-import,
not babel-plugin-import,
Compare two parts, the latter meets expectations. Antd has been bundled to main.js instead of other chunks. so what is wrong with the babel-plugin-import?