umijs / mako

An extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust.
MIT License
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[Bug] umi 项目(antd desgin) 在windows下运行不起来--Build with mako failed #1583

Closed nathanlao closed 5 days ago

nathanlao commented 6 days ago

UPDATES: project build succesfully on macOS but problem exists in Windows

Steps to reproduce

git clone npm install npm start

What is Expected?

The application should run locally without errors.

What is Actually Happening?

During the build process, the following error occurs:

  × Bad character escape sequence, expected 4 hex characters
 3 │   × Bad character escape sequence, expected 4 hex characters
 4 │    ╭─[components\upload\demo\debug-disabled.tsx?dumi-raw:1:1]
 5 │  1 │
 6 │  2 │   import 'D:/ant-design\components\upload\demo\debug-disabled.tsx?watch=parent';
   ·                                                  ──
 7 │    ·                                   ──
 8 │  3 │   export default "import React from 'react';\nimport { InboxOutlined, PlusOutlined, UploadOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';\nimport { Button, Space, Upload } from 'antd';\nimport type { UploadFile } from 'antd';\n\nconst { Dragger } = Upload;\n\nconst fileList: UploadFile[] = [\n  {\n    uid: '-1',\n    name: 'image.png',\n    status: 'done',\n    url: '',\n  },\n  {PnJuuZ.png',\n  },\n  {\n    uid: '-5',\n    name: 'image.png',\n    status: 'error',\n  },\n];\n\nconst App: React.FC = () => {\n  const uploadButton = (\n    <button style={{ border: 0, background: 'none' }} type=\"button\">\n      <PlusOutlined />\n      <div style={{ marginTop: 8 }}>Upload</div>\n    </button>\n  );\n\n  return (\n    <Space direction=\"vertical\">\n      <Upload disabled>Click Text to Upload</Upload>\n      <Upload disabled>\n        <Button icon={<UploadOutlined />}>Click to Upload</Button>\n      </Upload>\n      <Upload name=\"avatar\" listType=\"picture-card\" fileList={fileList} disabled>\n        {uploadButton}\n      </Upload>\n      <Upload name=\"avatar\" listType=\"picture-circle\" fileList={fileList} disabled>\n        {uploadButton}\n      </Upload>\n      <Dragger disabled>\n        <p className=\"ant-upload-drag-icon\">\n          <InboxOutlined />\n        </p>\n        <p className=\"ant-upload-text\">Click or drag file to this arPnJuuZ.png',\n  },\n  {\n    uid: '-5',\n    name: 'image.png',\n    status: 'error',\n  },\n];\n\nconst App: React.FC = () => {r drag file to this area to upload</p>\n        <p className=\"ant-upload-hint\">\n          Support for a single or bulk upload. Strictly prohibited from uploading company data or\n          other banned files.\n        </p>\n      </Dragger>\n    </Space>\n  );\n};\n\nexport default App;\n";;
 9 │  4 │

fatal - [Error: Build with mako failed.]
● Mako ▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨ (46%) before resolve before resolve                                                                                                                                fatal - A complete log of this run can be found in:
fatal - D:\ant-design\node_modules\.cache\logger\umi.log
fatal - Consider reporting a GitHub issue on

Environment Info

antd: 5.20.6 React: 18.3.1 System: Windows 11 Node: v20.12.2

sorrycc commented 5 days ago

Duplicated with

stormslowly commented 4 days ago

@Jinbao1001 plz have a look, this path maybe assembled by dumi

Jinbao1001 commented 4 days ago

I made a mistake, and I'll fix it immediately.