umijs / mako

An extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust.
MIT License
1.9k stars 74 forks source link

Windows build 出现 not found in the module graph #1668

Open tangbzai opened 1 month ago

tangbzai commented 1 month ago


  1. 使用 umi 创建项目,配置 mako: {}
  2. 运行 build 命令(*注意,dev命令不会出现错误)


umi: 4.3.28 nodejs: 20.12.2 windows: 10 22H2


info  - [plugin: ./node_modules/.pnpm/@umijs+preset-umi@4.3.28_@types+node@22.8.2_@types+react@18.3.12_lightningcss@1.27.0_rollup@4_m7i5wnit2cgn7ajzlxzgjvihy4/node_modules/@umijs/preset-umi/dist/features/mako/mako] Using mako@0.9.3
info  - [plugin: ./node_modules/.pnpm/@umijs+preset-umi@4.3.28_@types+node@22.8.2_@types+react@18.3.12_lightningcss@1.27.0_rollut@18.3.12_lightningcss@1.27.0_rollup@4_m7i5wnit2cgn7ajzlxzgjvihy4/node_modules/@umijs/preset-mako@0.9.3umi/dist/features/mako/mako] Mako is an extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based ont@18.3.12_lightningcss@1.27.0_rollu Rust. If you encounter any issues, please checkout to join the communitys an extremely fast, production-gra and report the issue.                                                                       / to join the community and report 
info  - Umi v4.3.28
info  - Preparing...
Building with mako for production...
● Mako ▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨ (65%) generate begin generate begin
                                   thread 'Mako thread 1' panicked at crates\mako\src\
module_id ModuleId { id: "D:/project\\mako-umi-demo\\node_modules\\.pnpm\\history@5.3.0\\node_modules\\history\\index.js.0\\node_modules\\history\\index.js" } not found in the module graph
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Rayon: detected unexpected panic; aborting
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 3221226505.
fakerqu commented 2 weeks ago

我也有这个问题,补充一下环境: umi max: 4.3.32 nodejs: 23.2.0 windows: 11 24H2 ● Mako ▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨ (62%) generate begin generate begin thread 'Mako thread 1' panicked at crates\mako\src\ module_id ModuleId { id: "D:/xxxxx\xxxxxx\node_modules\.pnpm\rc-util@5.43.0_react-dom@18.3.1_react@18.3.1__react@18.3.1\node_modules\rc-util\es\Dom\styleChecker.js" } not found in the module graph stack backtrace: 0: 0x7ff8d70726ad - napi_register_module_v1 1: 0x7ff8d70912a9 - napi_register_module_v1 2: 0x7ff8d706d111 - napi_register_module_v1 3: 0x7ff8d7074547 - napi_register_module_v1 4: 0x7ff8d7074139 - napi_register_module_v1 5: 0x7ff8d7074c82 - napi_register_module_v1 6: 0x7ff8d7074ac6 - napi_register_module_v1 7: 0x7ff8d707301f - napi_register_module_v1 8: 0x7ff8d70746a6 - napi_register_module_v1 9: 0x7ff8d8df2f64 - napi_register_module_v1 10: 0x7ff8d6e9f414 - napi_register_module_v1 11: 0x7ff8d6f2cf9a - napi_register_module_v1 12: 0x7ff8d6ea0c3b - napi_register_module_v1 13: 0x7ff8d733396c - napi_register_module_v1 14: 0x7ff8d7346e0f - napi_register_module_v1 15: 0x7ff8d6e95123 - napi_register_module_v1 16: 0x7ff8d70ad78b - napi_register_module_v1 17: 0x7ff8d70aeb23 - napi_register_module_v1 18: 0x7ff8d6e6f8dc - napi_register_module_v1 19: 0x7ff8d6d47941 - 20: 0x7ff8d8df0f42 - napi_register_module_v1 21: 0x7ff8d7059847 - napi_register_module_v1 22: 0x7ff8d7b49df2 - napi_register_module_v1 23: 0x7ff8d7b4bdce - napi_register_module_v1 24: 0x7ff8d708214d - napi_register_module_v1 25: 0x7ff946eddbe7 - BaseThreadInitThunk 26: 0x7ff947e05a6c - RtlUserThreadStart ● Mako ▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨ (65%) generate begin generate begin Rayon: detected unexpected panic; aborting  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 3221226505.

fakerqu commented 2 weeks ago

使用pnpm run dev无问题,使用npm run build也无问题,只有使用pnpm run build会异常