Closed xgj1988 closed 3 years ago
Cache group "default" conflicts with existing chunk.
Both have the same name "vendors" and existing chunk is not a parent of the selected modules.
Use a different name for the cache group or make sure that the existing chunk is a parent (e. g. via dependsOn).
HINT: You can omit "name" to automatically create a name.
BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to allow to use an entrypoint as splitChunk. This is no longer allowed when the entrypoint is not a parent of the selected modules.
Remove this entrypoint and add modules to cache group's 'test' instead. If you need modules to be evaluated on startup, add them to the existing entrypoints (make them arrays). See migration guide of more info.
注释掉plugin.config.ts中的一个name属性就可以过: const webpackPlugin = (config: IWebpackChainConfig) => { // optimize chunks config.optimization // share the same chunks across different modules .runtimeChunk(false) .splitChunks({ chunks: 'async', //name: 'vendors', maxInitialRequests: Infinity, ......
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 下午6:03:41
SplitChunksPlugin Cache group "default" conflicts with existing chunk. Both have the same name "vendors" and existing chunk is not a parent of the selected modules. Use a different name for the cache group or make sure that the existing chunk is a parent (e. g. via dependsOn). HINT: You can omit "name" to automatically create a name. BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to allow to use an entrypoint as splitChunk. This is no longer allowed when the entrypoint is not a parent of the selected modules. Remove this entrypoint and add modules to cache group's 'test' instead. If you need modules to be evaluated on startup, add them to the existing entrypoints (make them arrays). See migration guide of more info.
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