Confirm that you are satisfied with the following files on your local machine:
raw data and documentation files stored at survey-raw/AHS/2019
the .R processing script(s) at survey-processed/AHS/2019/AHS_2019_*_processed.R
the .rds data dictionary file(s) at survey-processed/AHS/2019/AHS_2019_*_dictionary.rds
the updated /data/dictionary.rda and /data/surveys.rda files created by call to compileDictionary()
the .fst processed microdata files at survey-processed/AHS/2019/AHS_2019_*_processed.fst
Once all is good, commit changes related to (2), (3), and (4), and push your local codebase to the fusionData Github repository. Note that the fusionData .gitignore file is configured to automatically prevent files associated with (1) and (5) from being included in Github commits.
Finally, upload all files associated with (1) and (5) to the fusionACSdata Google Drive /fusionData directory, creating new sub-folders as necessary to re-create your local directory structure. This will make the processed microdata files available to other users without having to download and process the raw data themselves.
Retain your local version of the raw and processed data -- (1) and (5) -- in case you need to quickly/conveniently re-process or otherwise make changes later on.
Confirm that you are satisfied with the following files on your local machine:
files created by call tocompileDictionary()
Once all is good, commit changes related to (2), (3), and (4), and push your local codebase to the fusionData Github repository. Note that the fusionData .gitignore file is configured to automatically prevent files associated with (1) and (5) from being included in Github commits.
Finally, upload all files associated with (1) and (5) to the fusionACSdata Google Drive
directory, creating new sub-folders as necessary to re-create your local directory structure. This will make the processed microdata files available to other users without having to download and process the raw data themselves.Retain your local version of the raw and processed data -- (1) and (5) -- in case you need to quickly/conveniently re-process or otherwise make changes later on.