terraform init
terraform plan
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on .terraform/modules/public_api_cdn/outputs.tf line 28, in output "web_acl_rule_names":
│ 28: value = [for rule_names in aws_wafv2_web_acl.main[0].rule : rule_names.name if var.enabled]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ aws_wafv2_web_acl.main is empty tuple
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: the collection has no elements.
What is the expected behavior?
TF plan should exit successfully. The outputs should be wrapped to support dis/enabled resources.
What is the current behavior?
Failing to plan if
set to (bool)false
. Using 3.x the error does not happen.If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem.
What is the expected behavior?
TF plan should exit successfully. The outputs should be wrapped to support dis/enabled resources.
The output sh
Software versions?