umpirsky / country-list

:globe_with_meridians: List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
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Errors in cldr/seh and cldr/seh_MZ #13

Closed frog23 closed 8 years ago

frog23 commented 11 years ago

Today I noticed that there are several errors in the files for the Sena language: cldr/seh and cldr/seh_MZ (the files in both folders are identical): A lot of names are associated with the wrong country codes. I went through the list and even though I don't know Sena, I was able to identify those names as obviously wrong:

    (Name in Sana)         (Name in English)
AE  Reino Unido            United Arab Emirates
GB  Uruguai                United Kingdom
TC  Tuvalu                 Turks and Caicos Islands
TG  Tokelau                Togo
TH  Togo                   Thailand
TK  Tonga                  Tokelau
TM  Ilhas Turks e Caicos   Turkmenistan
TN  Turquia                Tunisia
TO  Trinidad e Tobago      Tonga
TR  Turcomenistão          Turkey
TT  Tunísia                Trinidad and Tobago
TV  Ilhas Virgens dos EUA  Tuvalu
TZ  Tailândia              Tanzania
UA  Emirados Árabes Unidos Ukraine
UG  Ucrânia                Uganda
US  Uzbequistão            United States
UY  Estados Unidos         Uruguay
UZ  Vanuatu                Uzbekistan
VA  Venezuela              Vatican City
VE  Vietnã                 Venezuela
VI  Uganda                 U.S. Virgin Islands
VN  Wallis e Futuna        Vietnam
VU  Vaticano               Vanuatu
WF  Iêmen                  Wallis and Futuna
YE  Zâmbia                 Yemen
ZM  Zimbábue               Zambia