umputun / remark42

comment engine
MIT License
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Can't get email notifications to work #1641

Closed tjakubo closed 1 year ago

tjakubo commented 1 year ago

Hey, this project has been of amazing use to me, but I can't seem to get email comment notifications to work. I've configured all the relevant options when running remark, my startup script:

./remark42.linux-amd64 server \
  --url "##redacted##" \
  --secret "##redacted##" \
  --site "##redacted##" \
  --port 6642 \
  --auth.github.cid "##redacted##" \
  --auth.github.csec "##redacted##" \
  --auth.anon true \
  --image.max-size 0 \ "" \
  --smtp.port 465 \
  --smtp.tls true \
  --smtp.username "##redacted##" \
  --smtp.password "##redacted##" \ "" \ "" \
  --notify.users "email" \
  --notify.admins "email" \
  --dbg true

The SMTP part works fine, the Email subscription button shows up, entering my email sends the verification code image and pasting it back confirms that I'm now subscribed image

but then, if I test it by adding an anonymous comment (in a private browser window), there's no email sent.

I'm attaching a log (with --dbg true) of the following process:

Since this is on a site I'm making for a friend, I've search-replaced all domain names etc for their privacy. If anything was lost due to that, please let me know and I'll replicate this setup on my development environment so verbatim logs can be sent. remark.log

Maybe the issue is some simple misconfiguration? I'd appreciate any tips. Thank you!