umputun / remark42

comment engine
MIT License
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if you tried to install - pls share your pain #26

Closed umputun closed 3 years ago

umputun commented 6 years ago

As we installed remark42 on and we had no significant issues, and I even tried to use our readme instruction for this procedure. However, my experience is not really typical and some steps may not be as clear to others as it obvious to authors.

If you installed remark42 or at least tried to install - pls share what was not clear and how we can improve the procedure and documentation.

umputun commented 4 years ago

that sucks. So, there is no way to have any form of persistent storage for iframes?

Flameborn commented 4 years ago

@Reeywhaar To answer your questions:

I unfortunately had to switch to a different comment server for production, but I 'm going to spin up a test version on a different domain and see if the environment variables you mentioned make a difference.

By the way, could we mention this in the build section of the frontend in the readme? It would be very useful if someone wishes to build without the use of Docker, which I think can be a bit of an overkill on low-end hardware, like on a Raspberry Pi.

Also, thank you very much for investigating the possibilities regarding third-party cookies.

Edit: With the risk of sounding ignorant, as I haven't extensively looked into how JWTs are stored, would it be feasible to use sessions?

umputun commented 4 years ago

would it be feasible to use sessions?

I don't see how sessions will change/improve anything here. The problem seems to be not in the auth mechanism but in transport/storage. Currently, JWT transferred (and stored) the same way as a typical session - via a cookie. From browser POV the content of that cookie doesn't really matter.

umputun commented 4 years ago

@Reeywhaar I can't reproduce the issue for different subdomains. I.e. remark42 runs on and the site on To me, auth works even on paranoid setting fo the FF. Is it different because of the subdomains of the same domain considered trusted?

Flameborn commented 4 years ago

@umputun, As far as I know, as long as Remark runs on a different subdomain, the embedded iframe is trusted.

This, however, would be different if Remark was running on, while it is accessed from

On 2019. Nov 24., at 21:00, Umputun wrote:

@Reeywhaar I can't reproduce the issue for different subdomains. I.e. remark42 runs on and the site on To me, auth works even on paranoid setting fo the FF. Is it different because of the subdomains of the same domain considered trusted?

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DracoThuban commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm having trouble importing comments from Wordpress. The command returns the error: 413 Request Entity Too Large.

The file has 6Mb.

umputun commented 4 years ago

do you run it behind of nginx? if so, the default limit for nginx is 1M. You can safely change it to 10M with client_max_body_size 10M;

DracoThuban commented 4 years ago

How fast! :) Yes, that was the problem. Thank you!

dukangxu commented 4 years ago

I install via docker and caddy, and installed in the sub-path

My docker-compose.yaml file is as follows

version: '3'
    image: umputun/remark42:latest
    container_name: remark42
    restart: always    
        - REMARK_URL=
        - SITE=my site id
        - SECRET=my secret
        - AUTH_GITHUB_CID=my github cid
        - AUTH_GITHUB_CSEC=my github csec
        - ADMIN_SHARED_ID=my share id
        - ./data:/srv/var
            max-size: "10m"
            max-file: "1"

My Caddyfile file is as follows {

    root /srv/www
    log  /logs/access.log

    # remark42
    proxy /remark42/ http://remark42:8080/ {
        without /remark42

Hope to help you guys!

barjinderpaul commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to integrate 'remark42' with a ghost blog. I'm successfully able to access I've integrated the oAuth application (Github and Google yet), whenever I try to login from the oAuth application, after some time, it shows this: {"error":"exchange failed"}

I'm unable to figure out the issue, can you help me in this?

docker-compose.yml environment:

version: '2'
        build: .
        image: umputun/remark42:latest
        container_name: "remark42"
        hostname: "remark42"
        restart: always

            driver: json-file
                max-size: "10m"
                max-file: "5"

        # uncomment to expose directly (no proxy)
         # - "8080:8080"

            - REMARK_URL=
            - SECRET=secret@value
            - STORE_BOLT_PATH=/srv/var/db
            - BACKUP_PATH=/srv/var/backup
            - DEBUG=true
            - AUTH_GOOGLE_CID=key_here
            - AUTH_GOOGLE_CSEC=key_here
            - AUTH_GITHUB_CID=key_here
            - AUTH_GITHUB_CSEC=key_here
            - AUTH_FACEBOOK_CID
            - AUTH_FACEBOOK_CSEC
            - AUTH_DISQUS_CID
            - AUTH_DISQUS_CSEC
            - AUTH_ANON=true
            # - ADMIN_PASSWD=password
            - ./var:/srv/var

Nginx conf for remark42 -

server {
   location / {
         proxy_redirect          off;
         proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
         proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
         proxy_set_header        Host $http_host;

    listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot


server {
    if ($host = {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot

    listen 80;
    return 404; # managed by Certbot


When exchange failed issue occurs, this is the log in docker-logs -

2020/05/25 12:37:56.931 [INFO]  {rest/httperrors.go:40 rest.SendErrorJSON} exchange failed - Post "": dial tcp i/o timeout - 500 - -

Can you help me out in resolving this issue? It'd be really helpful! Let me know if you need any more information. Once, I get it working, I will make the documentation on how to integrate remark42 with a ghost blog.


umputun commented 4 years ago

based on the last line it looks like your browser can't reach

Maybe you have some kind of local proxy behaving oddly?

barjinderpaul commented 4 years ago

This is the URL to be precise which gets the above issue -

The flow goes like this:

umputun commented 4 years ago

can you show the exact log message for github as well?

barjinderpaul commented 4 years ago

This is the log for GitHub :

2020/05/25 12:40:47.944 [WARN]  {lgr/adaptor.go:16 lgr.(*Writer).Write} http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from (timeout.go:40)
umputun commented 4 years ago

also, what happens as you do curl -X POST from the same computer you are trying to login from?

barjinderpaul commented 4 years ago

If I do only curl -X POST w/o any token, it gives -

  "error": "unsupported_grant_type",
  "error_description": "Invalid grant_type: "

Hit with curl still gives exchange failed

umputun commented 4 years ago

yeah, ignore the error in curl, expected. Did you do it from your local machine? If so, could you do the same from the server hosting remark42?

barjinderpaul commented 4 years ago

When I hit from the server where remark42 is hosted, I get HTML returned rather than the JSON which I getting from the local machine.

Local machine :

  "error": "unsupported_grant_type",
  "error_description": "Invalid grant_type: "

remark42 hosted machine : minified HTML - which just tells

POST requests require a Content-length header. That’s all we know.`
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en> <meta charset=utf-8> <meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"> <title>Error 411 (Length Required)!!1</title> <style>*{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-height:180px;padding:30px 0 15px}* > body{background:url(// 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media screen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padding-right:0}}#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}@media only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-border-image:url(// 0}}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px}</style> <a href=//><span id=logo aria-label=Google></span></a> <p><b>411.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins> <p>POST requests require a <code>Content-length</code> header. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins>
umputun commented 4 years ago

well, this shouldn't happen. As I said - looks like some kind of proxy on your side

patarapolw commented 4 years ago

If I tried Kubernetes, it always not there for me, whether AWS or GCP.

However, I succeed using VM (DigitalOcean Droplet). HTTPS included. Not sure if it is powered by Nginx-le?

Qovery do succeed, but I am not sure if 1 GB hard-disk is overkill.

The settings is --

Also, I had problem with social logins. Facebook and Twitter is too strict, and I cannot make it.

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

I am trying to install remark42 on my Debian server. I have good experience with linux and web technologies, but none with Docker.

I must say the Readme had me totally confused... For instance:

copy provided docker-compose.yml and customize for your needs


make sure you don't keep ADMIN_PASSWD=something... for any non-development deployments

What do you mean? Should I change the default password, remove the line, keep it commented?

pull prepared images from the DockerHub and start - docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

What is DockerHub? which images? how to pull? I have read the Docker tutorial but I have still no idea what you mean.

etc... At the 3rd line I am totally lost.

Writing a documentation for a unknown public is hard, my advice is just to provide (lots of) examples. This way I can easily check external documentation / pages and go back to your doc and see if what I think I understood matches your examples. For instance you can add to the 3rd line docker pull umputun/remark42. It may seem obvious, but it helps reassuring the novice I am that they he is the proper track. Just like you do not just write just "install foobar" but also "apt install foobar" on debian, even if it is obvious.

Also, it is better to start with the "Happy Path". E.g, state first that there are only 3 variables worth setting for a beginner, and then list all the variable guides, rather than the other way around.

In a nutshell: give lots of examples :-)

Edit: I managed to have remark42 running, my comment is to help enhance the Readme for other newcomers.

patarapolw commented 4 years ago


In short, install docker-compose on your remote machine (not just docker-ce).

What is DockerHub? which images? how to pull? I have read the Docker tutorial but I have still no idea what you mean.

Don't worry about that, just some necessary editing, and then docker-compose up -d, and you are done. Much easier than PM2, for instance.

HTTPS is a little harder to get running though. It required a lot of guesswork, but it's

      - "80:8080"
      - "443:8443"

      - SSL_TYPE=auto
ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Well... what is PM2?

To continue on what was obscure:

So, finding what ports: syntax is is doable with some guesswork into the docker docs. But knowing the security implications of opening these ports is what should be covered in Remark42 Readme, as it is quite hard to guess, with no clear way to be sure I guessed right.

umputun commented 4 years ago

The comment above the ports sections in docker-compose.yml: "uncomment to expose directly (no proxy)" was also puzzling. I think it actually should be not "no proxy", but "no proxy implemented into the docker swarm itself", am I correct?

This comment literally meant - no proxy. It has nothing to do with swarm, k8s, or any other orchestration system. Nginx (or Træfik, or caddy or any other web server supporting reverse proxy) may run in front of remark42 and acts as a proxy. You may see examples for nginx and for caddy

what happens if I use a non-docker proxy (e.g. a virtual host on my existing apache server, which is already using ports 80 & 443 anyways).

It doesn't really matter what form/distribution of proxy you running. It also doesn't matter if remark42 runs inside of the container or directly. In both cases, you may need to proxy requests from your edge server (apache in your example) to remark42 server.

Do I also need to protect the external port(s) of remark42 (80 & 443 in your example) against direct external use for security reasons?

No, and the provided proxy has no protection, they just proxying requests.

umputun commented 4 years ago

Generally, I agree - the documentation should be improved. We are working on this and will use your feedback to make it more understandable. In the current form documentation mostly help someone with sufficient technical background and expects some (basic) understanding of docker, proxies, networking, and so on. I don't think we will ever able to describe all steps in small details (i.e. answer question "what is docker hub") but we could make the documentation much better.

umputun commented 4 years ago

this suggestion got me confused:

For instance you can add to the 3rd line docker pull umputun/remark42

I don't really understand why you even need it? If you follow the documentation and doing docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d it will pull the image for you, so no need to do it manually.

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

This comment literally meant - no proxy

But how? If I leave it commented, I cannot reach the Remark42 from outside docker... no ports seems reachable I have used apache2 as a proxy already for a lots of other systems (Solr, Confluence, Tomcat, ...) but on which port will apache reach Remark42?

No, and the provided proxy has no protection, they just proxying requests.

This is where the doc should be more explicit: I cannot currently envision the big picture of what is going on, so I am a bit nervous in leaving ports open to the world. In all my proxy settings, apache is configured for security, especially for weeding out requests from rogue Chinese search engines and other pests (via fail2ban and honeypots, etc...) and the systems behind the proxy are protected from the outside.

So for instance my questions are: can I add an iptable to block remark42 port from the outside or will it break its normal operation?

I don't really understand why you even need it?

It is because I was missing the implicit fact that I should have run these commands in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file. So this means that the doc should explicit it :-)

I don't think we will ever able to describe all steps in small details (i.e. answer question "what is docker hub")

You don't need to, it is an impossible task. Just give examples, and people will be able to figure it out. The lack of examples was really what I was pointing out. And I missed more the "big picture" overviews than the details, that I could find in the Docker docs (once I knew what to search). For instance, just make the expression "Docker Hub" in the doc a link to the DockerHub site, no need to try to describe it, but pointing to it will save time and remove guesswork.

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Ah, FYI I also looked at for some complementary info... some examples :-)

umputun commented 4 years ago

But how? If I leave it commented, I cannot reach the Remark42 from outside docker... no ports seems reachable I have used apache2 as a proxy already for a lots of other systems (Solr, Confluence, Tomcat, ...) but on which port will apache reach Remark42?

This part has very little to do with remark42. First of all, you don't have to run remark42 inside of docker container and if you run it directly, port exposed directly (--port or env: REMARK_PORT). In case if remark42 runs inside of the container it should be configured on docker level exactly the same way as any other application running inside of docker and exposing ports. The user should map the internal remark42 port (default 8080) to external (exposed by docker) port. The provided compose illustrates mapping to port 80, i.e. - "80:8080"

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

OK, so I must uncomment the port line to be able to use a native apache server as a proxy to a Remark42 service running in a docker (and I want to run it in Docker as it is your recommended way). This is what I understood, and I think the "(no proxy)" is thus misleading and inducing confusion, because on the opposite you must uncomment it to use it with a proxy in my case.

I guess my use of the term "swarm" has induced you in error, I must admit I just copied it from the Docker networking doc I found.

umputun commented 4 years ago

yeah, this is confusing indeed. I have not expected users to run such a mixed configuration (proxy outside of the docker, remark42 inside). All examples we have here expect both proxy and remark42 to run inside of the docker. In this case, there is no need to expose ports as containers defined in the same compose file see each other "directly"

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Well, I think a lot of people wanting to use remark42 already have a running web site, which is probably not running in docker, that they want to add comments to, or replace the comment system they already use (JS-Kit then Discus for me). So I think my configuration is not so uncommon.

My apache runs 19 web applications for instance, each in its virtual host. I wont dockerize them :-)

umputun commented 4 years ago

right, it is not that exotic. Probably you already figured what to do, but just in case - you need to add this section to your docker-compose.yml (replace 12345 with whatever port you like). On apache side proxy remark's traffic to this port. If your apache and remark42 run on the same host there is no need to open any new ports on your firewall as you should be able to use local ip for the proxy, i.e.

      - "12345:8080"

In some rare cases (i have seen it with ubuntu UFW) your firewall may confuse docker's iptable rules and remark42 won't be accessible on Btw, you can check it by doing curl So, if you don't get pong you can try docker's bridge ip (ip a | grep docker0). In my case, ip will be (you may see a different ip):

5: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default
    inet brd scope global docker0

hope it helps

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Thanks, yes i had figured it out and it works. It was not too hard to find by searching the Docker docs except for he "(no proxy)" confusion.

But my question was more on the security implications wrt remark42. And for this I cannot look elsewhere than what is available on remark42 itself.

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Just for info, Things went well, I was able to make Google, GitHub, Twitter... OAuths work. Now I am trying to make email auth work, but since I use my own email server, without a login/password, I think have to tweak things a bit.

The only unclear point was the "SITE" env variable, I had to look in the sources to find that you could use multiple values, and that they were comma-separated.

AH, and I still have a question: I would like to get an email as soon as somebody comments anywhere on the site (it is a personal site with not a lot of traffic), is this possible?

umputun commented 4 years ago

I would like to get an email as soon as somebody comments anywhere on the site (it is a personal site with not a lot of traffic), is this possible?

yes, it is possible. see

The part about site notifications covered in this section

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I should have read it throuroughly.

Next roadblock is trying to use any email function results in a "Something went wrong. Please try again a bit later." (frontend) because of a [HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error] (backend).

Is there a way to debug / trace the server to know what is crashing? Or better, is there a way for the server to just call /usr/lib/sendmail or an external program to send email? In my experience, using libs to send email (be it perl, php, java, ...) has always been problematic, whereas just forking sendmail always works reliably.

I see a backend/app/notify/email_test.go, can it be used for debugging this?

umputun commented 4 years ago

Have you checked logs? You should see them in your docker container if run attached or by doing docker-compose logs -f. It is also possible to turn on an extra (debug) logging by adding DEBUG=true to your compose's enviroment section.

The log may help to figure out what's wrong.

Or better, is there a way for the server to just call /usr/lib/sendmail or an external program to send email?

It uses stdlib SMTP and works just fine. I suspect some configuration issue on your side, but without logs, it is hard to imagine what the issue.

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Ok, with the logs I was able to see what is happening: remark42 emails are rejected because they do not use a fully qualified host name: ": Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname"

I relaxed (temporarily) the rules of my mail server to allow non-fqdn names, but then the stdlib SMTP doesn't seems to implement (but I may be wrong) and fails with greylisting by not re-sending the email later.

This is an example on why it is better to just fork sendmail in my opinion. email is nowadays extremely complex, and most standard email libraries of programming languages cannot keep up.

I will continue to see how I can tweak my mail server rules to make exceptions for remark42.

umputun commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what the deal with the fully qualified host name, @paskal can you pls take a look.

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

Ok, it worked. What I did: For my postfix email server:

My SMTP server saw remark42 identify just by its (variable) IP address: connect from unknown[]

For my postgrey system:


umputun commented 4 years ago

isn't this DNS reverse lookup issue?

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

I guess it is more a docker issue, as the IP I see for the remark42 server from the outside of docker changes every time it is restarted. So I would have to look in the docker docs on how to allocate a fixed IP, to be able to reverse-DNS on it, but it seems an overkill solution. I like the concept of remark42 being in its self-sufficient "black box", I would not want to have to tweak it needlessly.

I do not think it is the proper issue to fix it. Having the mail server relax its rules for hosts in internal IP ranges seems a more general solution that will also work with other docker apps.

I guess you did not encounter the issue because you seem to have used only 3rd party email services, which requires an account and thus can relax the rules once you are authenticated by SMTP_USERNAME & SMTP_PASSWORD. Basically, in my case my mail server have to do the same rules relaxing, but for internal IPs ranges, which seems a more general solution.

In a nutshell, I do not think remark42 should be changed. I just had difficulties in understanding what was going on in my case.

patarapolw commented 4 years ago

Cannot get email notification to admin to work, whether Zoho mail or SendGrid... Cannot signup to mailgun for some reasons.

So, how do I debug?

patarapolw commented 4 years ago

I tried subscribing directly, it also wants token.


paskal commented 4 years ago

Same advice from the above apply, please check docker logs at the time of the problem: docker-compose logs -f

patarapolw commented 4 years ago

Sendgrid seems to "got blocked", even though I already put in spf1 TXT record

If I put Zoho SMTP directly, there is no error, yet no mail received.

NVM, totally fixed with Sendgrid and proper domain setup (at NameCheap).

ColasNahaboo commented 4 years ago

What worked for me was to look at both:

There is a potential issue however: the SMTP lib used by remark42 does not seem to retry if there is a temporary error (I may be wrong, but I have seen the same problem with java libs for instance). So they will fail if they try to send email to destinations using greylisting.

Greylisting has pro and cons, but for a personal email server, with an email address that has been in use for more than 20 years, I find it invaluable as it weeds out 90% of spam. But It also rejects legitimate emails from ill-configured systems, which may be unacceptable for business use.

This means people will not be able tu use email authentication to comment with remark42 if they use Greylisting, and remark42 tries to send email directly, not via a well-behaved smarthost that retries sends on temporary errors after a delay. And this seems the case for Zoho: Zoho admins did not want to use greylisting 5 years ago ("I hate greylisting"), but they apparently use it for at leat 2 years now.

So, try to see if you can whitelist your remark42 server in Zoho.

patarapolw commented 4 years ago

Whether subscription, or no subscription, but always send email to admin is always broken for me.

I still can receive authorization token, though.

umputun commented 4 years ago

Without more info and logs I can just guess - are you subscribed to replies, like you showed above? If this is the case it is for notifications of other people's replies to your comment and not admin (site) notification.

To activate the admin notification set - AUTH_EMAIL_ENABLE=true and -