umr-amap / aRchi

R package aRchi. Tree architecture from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data
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Skeletonize_pc can throw an error in Computing Topology step #7

Closed davodogster closed 2 years ago

davodogster commented 2 years ago


Hi guys, awesome work on the package! Do you know what this error means? I don't get it when I use higher parameter values. Cheers

oliviermartin7 commented 2 years ago

This issue has been fixed. Please install the beta github version:

install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github('umr-amap/aRchi')

davodogster commented 2 years ago

This issue has been fixed. Please install the beta github version:

install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github('umr-amap/aRchi')

Hi I installed that version. It's still 2.1.0

I still get a similar error


This code works and the point clouds looks good image


EDIT: similarly,


Regards, Sam

davodogster commented 2 years ago

Hi @oliviermartin7 @philippeverley Do you know if this is an easy fix? Cheers, Sam

oliviermartin7 commented 2 years ago

Hi David, Would you share the point cloud that returns this error/warning ? In the second case (warning message), do you have a QSM at the end ? Can you display it using plot(Tree_skel) ?

Best, Olivier


davodogster commented 2 years ago

Hi David, Would you share the point cloud that returns this error/warning ? In the second case (warning message), do you have a QSM at the end ? Can you display it using plot(Tree_skel) ?

Best, Olivier


Hi @oliviermartin7 Yes the second case does work but the skeleton isn't good enough. I think I need to decrease the params. I can send you the PC. Thanks

oliviermartin7 commented 2 years ago

Hi Sam,

I cannot reproduce your warning with same parameters you used (second example). See image below. It works perfectly with me image

Below is the plot of the skeleton with the radius. Far from perfect but the point cloud quality is not optimal, I suggest you to play with parameters in order to get a better QSM.


Concerning the error with initial parameters I get the same problem. We'll solve this issue in the next version.



davodogster commented 2 years ago

@oliviermartin7 Thanks team!